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八年级英语作文暑假去了北京 暑假是学生们最期盼的假期了,你知道怎么写一篇暑假去了北京的英语吗啊?下面是第一给大家的八年级英语作文暑假去了北京,供你参考! One day during the holidays, I embarked on a journey together, sister, uncle three. On the road, a high-speed car carry our laughter, came to our look forward to for a long time - the capital of Bei ___g. We will go to the first scenic spot is the Pacific Ocean world expo pavilion. Underwater world, there are many underwater friends, first of all, I take you to visit the home of freshwater animals pavilion, you can see that the growth in this area in the amazon basin of arowana, as the saying goes: "the water is not deep, with dragons are spirit", look, it swam to us at the moment we saw dragon fish, there are at least one hundred million years of history, but it's popularity is not too big change, always is a favorite of the east. When it swimming strokes is a power wind and militantly proclaim you can see its majestic appearance give a person a kind of feeling as if out of the atmosphere very much. From the characteristics of dragon fish, it is easy to analyze the theologians, artists, in ancient China, when designing the totem of the Chinese nation, arowana must be chief model, has a "legend of the dragon," color. Therefore, it is often people give blessings, is thriving, fortune, ward off evil spirits, array curtilage the good vision, together with its huge body, pleated pleated brightness the squama, deep lovers love, real love dragons won't empathy don't love, so I can ___ you will like them very much. This summer my family went to the capital tourism, this is my first time to go to Bei ___g, just know Bei ___g is much more beautiful than I expected, entered Bei ___g past buildings were built, the plexity of the overpass let me dazzled. First we go to tiananmen square was a sea of people here, I first saw the tiananmen gate, the south is chairman MAO's memorial hall, the east is the national history museum, is the great hall of the people on the west and the mi


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