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本题要求学生们写作两个小作文,一个是写一个邀请他人参加某聚会或活动的信函;另一个是答复你伙伴的邀请信。 首先,认真阅读邀请信所包含的内容:聚会或活动的类型;举办的时间与地点;客人的着装;客人是否须带东西;客人是否须答复此信;何时及如何答复此信。 参照3a写一个包含上述内容的邀请信,注意运用右栏中的提示词语。 写作指导: 15th 12th 13th 14th 16th 17th 18th the day before yesterday yesterday today tomorrow weekend The day after tomorrow weekday 1b Write the words below the correct dates. 1. 问“日期”的句型有: What’s the date today? 今天是几号? 或 What date is it today? “日期”的表示法有例如 :11月 5号 It’s November 5; November 5th; 读做November (the) 5th 2.询问“星期” 的句型: What day is (it) today? It’s Monday. 在英语中表示“星期”的词有: Monday 星期一; Tuesday 星期二; Wednesday 星期三; Thursday 星期四; Friday 星期五; Saturday 星期六; Sunday 星期日 3. 询问几号星期几的句型: What’s today? 今天几号,星期几? It’s Monday, the 28th. 今天是28号,星期一。 1c Ask and answer questions about the days in 1a. A: what’s today? B: It’s Monday the 14th. A: what’s tomorrow? B: It’s Wednesday the 15th. A: what’s The day after tomorrow? B: It’s Thursday the 16th. Yes No 1d. Listen. Can Vince play tennis with Andy? Circle Yes or No. c b a a b 1e. Listen again. Match Vince’s activities with the days. Tape script Andy: Hi, Vince? Vince: Yeah, hi, Andy! Andy: Vince, can you play tennis with me? Vince: Uh, when? Andy: Today. Vince: Uh, no, sorry, I can’t. I have to go to the doctor and study for a test today. Andy: How about tomorrow? Vince: Sorry, tomorrow I’m playing soccer and I have a piano lesson. Andy: Oh. Well, what are you doing the day after tomorrow? Vince: I have to look after my little sister. Andy: Oh, I see. Vince: I’m sorry, Andy. I’m really busy this week! 1f Students A is Andy and Student B is Vince. Andy, invite Vince to play tennis. A: Hi, Vince. Can you play tennis with me? B: When? A: Today? B: Sorry, I can’t. I … Role play: Vince and Andy Andy: Hi,Vince,can you play tennis with me? Vince:_


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