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精品文档 Unit 8 (Reading) 基础知识卷 词语运用 (共10 小题) 用方框中的单词或短语完成下列句子。 in a lively way achieve your dream in the future go outside host career last for shot across the beginning of used to 1. 他想有一份当工程师的职业。 He wants to have a ______________ as an engineer. 2 . 没有人会知道将来会发生什么。 Nobody knows what will happen ______________. 3. 他过去习惯早起。 He ______________ get up early. 4. 我错过了这部电影的开头部分。 I missed ______________ the film. 5. 这个女孩经常在夜里独自外出。 The girl often ______________ alone at night. 6. 一颗流星划过天空。 A meteor ______________ the sky. 7. 今晚她将做东办一场有300 宾客的舞会。 Tonight she’ll _____________ a ball for 300 guests. 8. 我想知道这支钢笔能使用多久。 I want to know how long the pen can ___________. 9. 努力工作你就会实现你的梦想。 Work hard, and you will ______________. 10. 我以生动的方式用我的知识让人们了解星星。 I use my knowledge to tell people about stars ______________. 单项选择 (共15 小题) ( ) 1. Collecting stamps is an ______ activity. A. outdoors B. outdoor C. indoors D. indoor ( ) 2. The earth is a ______. A. star B. planet C. satellite D. meteor (流星) ( ) 3. He enjoys ______ stars. A. study B. to study C. studying D. studie ( ) 4. The sky is very dark, but we can still ______ many stars easily. A. look B. look at C. see D. watch ( ) 5. My hobby is ______. A. collecting stamps B. to collect stamps C. collect stamps D. to collecting stamps ( ) 6. The Moon is a ______. 精品文档 精品文档 A. star B. planet C. satellite D. meteor (流星) ( ) 7. He likes ______. A. play football B. fishing C. play table tennis D. playing piano ( ) 8. Making models is great ______ for him. A. fun B. funny C. interesting D. interested ( ) 9. The little girl saw a star ______ the sky. A. shooting across B


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