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Wednesday, December 2, 2020;;;2. Modeling Appropriate Behaviors;;As with the source in a persuasive message, credibility implies expertise and trustworthiness.;Strategies consistent with effective use of any media in a lesson are applicable here. ;例子: 如何对小学生进行“八荣八耻”教育 ? ;除了要观察榜样示范的行为,学习者必须观察到榜样被哪种行为所强化的;; 角色扮演是一种人与人之间社交活动,可以以任何形式进行(游戏、治疗、培训)。在活动中,参与者在故事世界中通过扮演角色进行互动。;角色扮演的具体分类 ;经典案例:斯坦福监狱实验;;Several researchers have found that participants in role-playing are affected more than observers. ;; 指个体认识到自己的态度之间、或者态度与行为之间存在着矛盾。在费斯廷格看来,所谓的认知失调是指由于做了一项与态度不一致的行为而引发的不舒服的感觉,比如你本来想帮助你的朋友,实际上却帮了倒忙。;3. Creating and Managing Dissonance;If individuals who feel prejudice toward another group are put in close interaction with that group and induced to behave civilly, dissonance theory would predict that their attitude toward the other racial group might change.; When a person is induced to perform an attitudinally- discrepant act because of promise of reward or punishment, attitude change will occur only to the extent that the person feefs the magnitude of the reward or punishment was insufficient to justify the attitudinally discrepant behavior. ; 费斯延格:不充分合理化实验; ;;;Models of dissonance arousal and reduction; Demonstrate the social acceptabiIity of the desired attitude and the reward available socially for behavior consistent with the attitude.;; It was observed above that providing information is not enough to cause attitude change, but providing information after inducing dissonance is helpful. ;;;;;Wednesday, December 2, 2020;;角色扮演的具体分类 ;;If individuals who feel prejudice toward another group are put in close interaction with that group and induced to behave civilly, dissonance theory would predict that their attitude toward the other racial group might change.;;


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