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一、 名词解释
Histology (组织学)is a scie nee that studies the microstructure and the relati on ship betwee n the structure and function of orga ni sm.
Embryology (胚胎学)is a scienee that studies the processes and the regulations of the developme nt of orga ni sm.
Covering epithelia (被覆上皮) are tissues in which the cells are organized in layers that
cover the exter nal surface or line the inner surface of body cavities.
Mesothelium (间皮)is the simple squamous epithelium that lines the inner surface of body cavities such as thoracic, pericardial and abdominal cavities; it can facilitate movements of viscera.
Endothelium (内皮)is the simple squamous epithelium that lines the inner surface of blood and lymph(淋巴)vessels; it can facilitate blood flowing and transporting of materials.
Basal membrane ( 基膜)is a sheet like structure at the basal surface of epithelial cells, which is in con tact with subject conn ective and is attached to the un derly ing conn ective tissue.
Endocrine glands (内分泌腺)are those whose ducts were disappeared during developme nt and the secreti ons of them are picked up and tran sported to their site of action by the bloodstream.
Exocrine glands (外分泌腺)are those that retain their connection with the surface epithelium in the form of tubular ducts through which the gla ndular secreti ons pass to reach the surface.
Isogenous groups are (同源细胞群)several chondrocytes(软骨纟田胞)locate in one lacuna(软骨陷窝),which are derived from a sin gle (same) pare nt cell.
Sacromere (肌节)is a segment of myofibril ( 肌原纤维)extending from one Z line to n ext Z line, which is composed of 1/2 I band, one A band and 1/2 I ban d, is the smallest structural and functional unit of myofibril.
Intercalated discs (闰盘)are dark stained, stairs like structures that cross cardiac muscle fiber; in fact they are the junction parts of two adjace nt muscle fibers.
Argyrophilic fibers (嗜银纤维):Because of their affinity (亲和)for silver salts, reticular fibers can be easily stained black by impregnati
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