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第 第 PAGE 1 页 共 NUMPAGES 1 页 最新关于2020感恩节的英语作文五篇 感恩节是美国人民独创的一个古老节日,也是美国人合家欢聚的节日。关于感恩节的英语作文怎么写呢?小编在这里给大家带来关于2020感恩节的英语作文最新五篇,希望大家喜欢! #感恩节的英语作文1# This Thursday is Thanksgiving, but recent study is too tight, and to test,we seem to forget... Came home from school, depression to take the English test paper, I onlygot 98. 5 points, but the last time I got 99 points! Time and tide wait for noman, will the math test tomorrow, I left our school bag, plunged into the mathreview volume. Watch will be done, who knows, idle, grandma just turning on theTV, see the Peking Opera! The Peking Opera, noting that the sound of creakinginterrupted my thoughts completely, I endure the impatient, had to shut thedoor. Grandma to see with relish, the sound is large again, this time, I cancannot help, at grandma loudly shouted: you dont noisy noise! Listen for awhile, it will have to listen to! Are not wearing! Turn off the TV, grandmalying on the sofa and listen to the radio. I helpless, returned to his studybanged shut to the door, and starts the review questions. After finished, I hada good stretch, pick a book falls in a layer of ash read. The institute ofThanksgiving, I froze. When grandma came the radio host crisp sweet voice -today is Thanksgiving Day. I froze again. Mind out when cried to grandma justnow... I am ashamed... I fell asleep at his table. Memory through time and space, back tobefore... That was when I was in grade one, parents do all the things to me, Iwill say thank you to them. I woke up, think of now, the parents for everythingI do I will think is should, have all grievances, I shouted at them, comparedwith before, I am ashamed... Dont forget to Thanksgiving, dont forget your side make greatcontribution to our people, meet them, dont forget to say: thank you, haveyour city, only better! We have you, more happiness! #感恩节的英语作文2# They are just ordinary world of one, however, in the face of tremendousblow, they have c


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