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序号 Chinese English 1 做慈善演出的主持人 be the host of a charity show 2 白天少睡点 sleep less during the day 3 多练习 practice a lot 4 在英特网上登广告 advertise on the Internet 5 散发(传单) give out (leaflets) 6 组织一次慈善演出 organize a charity show 7 绿色希望工程 Project Green Hope 8 希望工程 Project Hope 9 拯救中国虎 Save China ’s Tigers 10 春蕾计划 Spring Bud Project 11 为某人(某组织)筹款 / 募捐 raise money for sb. 捐某物(钱)给某人 donate sth.(money) to sb. 12 回到学校 return to school = come back to school 13 帮忙(某人)做某事 help(sb.) with sth. = help (sb.) do sth. 14 艰苦的工作 hard work 努力工作(学习) work hard 15 开始演出排练 start working on the show 16 在适当的时候 at the right time 17 在同时 at the same time 18 在开始;起初 in the beginning = at first 在末尾;最后 in the end = at last = finally 19 变得容易一点 became a little bit easier 20 一直问我自己(一直做某事) keep asking myself (keep doing sth.) 21 大声地说话 speak loudly 22 发出很多噪音 make a lot of noise 23 得到当地企业的大力技持 have/get a lot of support from local 24 帮助需要的人 help people in need 25 开一个会 have/hold a meeting 举办一次慈善演出 have/hold a charity show 通过卖物品和提供服务来挣钱make money by selling goods and services 27 选择某人来做某事 choose sb. to do sth. 28 使你的声音听起来更大些 make your voice sound louder 29 对 感兴趣(延) be interested in 对 产生了兴趣(短) become interested in 30 挂在舞台前面 hang in front of the stage 31 想要这次演出取得成功 want the show to be a success 32 邀请我吃午餐 invite me to lunch 33 搭建(舞台) set up (the stage) 34 做出决定 make a decision / make some decisions 35 决定做某事 decide to do sth. = make a decision to do sth. 志愿做某事 volunteer to do sth. 36 注意某物 pay attention to sth. 37 希望你(度过)一个快乐的假期 wish you [a happy holiday] 希望你(有)好运 wish you [good luck] 38 迫不急待做某事 can’t wait for sth. = can’t wait to do sth. 39 因为 ( 做 ) 某事而感谢某人 thank sb. for ( doing ) sth. 40 学会读书和写字 learn to read and write 41 去上班来代替上学 go to work instead of going to school 42 使这次演出成为可能 make this show possible 43 明年再举行一次演出 do another show next year 44 激动地鼓掌和大叫 clap and shout excitedly 二、重点句子及句型 : wish I could be the host.( 虚拟语气 ) I ’m going to be the host of a charity show . if you sleep less during the day. fel


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