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take up 占据。既可以指时间上的占据,也可以指空间上的占据。 eg. The job takes up all my time. This table takes up too much time. 注意:  1)take off  脱下,起飞(区别:  put on; wear  ) 2)take out  拿出,提款(区别:  take out sth of sp\ take sth out of sp  ) Eg , Take out your hands of your pockets. How much do you need to take out (of your bank.) 3)take away  拿走 a bit & a little 两者都可以用作副词词组,用来修饰形容词,副词(原级或者是比较级)或动词。 2) 做定语时, a little 后面可以直接接不可数名词; a bit of + u Not a bit = not at all; not a little = very 注意: a little & little; a few & few 3. All the time  总是, 一直 注意:  On time  准时,按时;  in time  及时;  at times  有时; from time to time  不时;  kill time  消磨时间 Keep time  (一般指时钟)走得准; Some times  有时  some time  一段时间 Sometimes 几次  sometime  将来的某一个时间 4. interested surprised interesting surprising  amazed bored amazing boring  tired excited tiring exciting 注意:  be interested in  对 感兴趣 play 后接乐器时,乐器前面加定冠词the ;后面接球类名词时,名词前不加任何冠词。 Play the piano play basketball 四看三使动词后面长接不带to 的动词不定式。 四看: look at, make, watch, observe 三使: have, make, let 两听: hear, listen to 一感觉: feel 半动词: help 即可接带 to 的动词不定式也可接不带 to 的动词不定式 (help sb to do sth/ help sb do sth) 注意:  see sb do sth  指看的全过程 See sb doing sth  指看的时候正在进行的一个动作 注意:四看三使动词用在被动中结构时,后面接待  to  的动词不定式。 Eg. Tom made Jane cry just now on the playground. Jane was made to cry by Tom juast now. Give sb sth & give sth to sb 注意:类似  give  能接双宾语的动词还有:  pass, lend, show. 8. There be  句型中动词  be  与后面相邻的名词在数上保持一致。  随后面名词单复数形式的 变化而变化。 Eg. There is a little water in the bottle. There are some apples on the table. 注意:  1) there be  表示某处有某物,表示存在。 2  ) have  表示所有,拥有。表示“有”时,可直接在后面加  not  表示否定。 9. 现在进行时表示将来时,主要用于  go, leave,  come, start  等表示去向的短暂性动词。 Eg. I am leaving tomorrow. 1) Such as 用于列举前面概述过的同类事物,后面不需要用“,”号隔开,所列举的事物在两个或两个以上。 For example 用于列举说明,后面一般要用“,”隔开,所列举的事物一般只有一个,位置比较灵活,可位于句首,句中,句末。 Eg. We all like ball games, such as basketball and football. Jim has many friends here, for example, Liulei. 11. Look after = take care of = care for Eg. He spent years


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