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会计 财务与计算机英文简历 会计 / 财务与计算机英文简历模板 Basic CV Name: Mr. Nationality: Chinese Current location: Guangzhou National: Han Exit and Entry: Guangzhou tall: 168 cm 54kg Marital Status: Married Age: 39 years old Training Certification: integrity badge: Job search intention and work experience Personnel types: ordinary job Position: Finance categories: financial management, business / management categories: administration, Assistant Executive Officer / General Manager Assistant: Work Experience: 19 Title: Junior Job type: Full-time arrived to date: one week Monthly requirements: 2000 - 3500 the hope that the Working Area: Guangzhou Personal experience: Company Name: Guangzhou City Trading Co., Ltd. a beginning and ending date :xx-08 ~ xx-05 Company nature: private enterprises in their respective professions: material supply and marketing Positions: Finance Manager Job description: Reasons to leave: service Company Name: Guangzhou real estate pany in the beginning and end reputation :xx-06-years xx-08 Company nature: private-owned industries: business services Positions: Finance Manager Job Description:, losses. Reasons for leaving: Company Name: China Construction Bank branch Baiyun beginning and ending date :1994-04 ~ xx-05 Company nature: in their respective professions: Positions: Aounting Job Description: The public clearing \ savings business. Reasons for leaving: Contract expired. Company Name: Tian Xiang Hotel, beginning and ending date :1993-06 ~ 1994-04 Company nature: private enterprises in their respective professions: catering, tourism, hotels Positions: chief financial officer Job Description:and improve the financial system. Reasons to leave: to enter the China Construction Bank Company Name: Guangzhou Ka Shing of Hong Kong garment panies beginning and ending date :1992-02 ~ 1993-06 Company nature: Chinese-foreign joint-owned industries: textiles, clothing P


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