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第 PAGE 页码 页码 页 / 总页数 NUMPAGES 总页数 总页数 页 应聘教师的英语简历免费模板 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《应聘教师的英语简历免费模板》的内容,具体内容:准备好一份精彩的英语简历就意味着应聘教师的求职者成功了一半。下面我给大家分享一些,希望能帮到你!Jay Price438, Grant W. ST,Al... 准备好一份精彩的英语简历就意味着应聘教师的求职者成功了一半。下面我给大家分享一些,希望能帮到你! Jay Price 438, Grant W. ST, Alabama, AL, 453678 (216) 546-1233 zhuna Objective To better facilitate student learning in the area of politics and history Experience Dec 2001 to present [Saint Johns Junior College, Belize, Teacher] Department of General Studies Facilitate student learning and conduct research in the area of politics and western civilization Assist in the coordination and implementation of community service and student affairs activities Aug 2000 to Dec 2001 [Saint Louis University,Saint Louis, USA] Graduate Researcher, Dept of Public Policy and Urban Research Conducted research in community, neighborhood development and economic policy Coordinated special outreach projects to promote the departments research interest Jan 1999 to May 2000 [Saint Louis University, Saint Louis, USA Resident Advisor, Department of Residence Life Developed and implemented programs to encourage student participation Supervised others in the maintenance and enforcement of university policies Participated in leadership training and community building workshops May 1999 to Aug 1999 [Ministry of Human Development ,Belmopan, Belize] Intern, United Nations Development Programme Worked with the Project for Sustainable Human Development, a community development plan aimed at empowering rural villagers in Belize Collected field data, drafted reports, and provided feedback to supervisors Education Aug 2000 to Dec 2001 [Saint Louis University, Saint Louis, USA] Master of Arts in Public Administration (specialty economic development, organizational learning) Post Graduate Certificate in Education (completed seminars on teaching and technology strategies) Aug 2000 to Dec 2001 [Saint Lo


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