2020年外研版七年级上册英语练习题 Module 8 Unit 3.pdfVIP

2020年外研版七年级上册英语练习题 Module 8 Unit 3.pdf

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初中英语·外研版·七年级上册——Module 8 Choosing presents Module 8 Choosing presents Unit 3 Language in use 知识能力全练 资源拓展 Ⅰ.用方框中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子 concert, special, afraid, weekend, match 1.—What do you usually do at ? —I usually stay at home. 2.Let’s go to the     to listen to music. 3.—I want to buy Mary a pen as a present. —It’s too common(普通的). I want to buy her a thing. 4.—Let’s play basketball this afternoon. —I’m I can’t. I have a lot of homework to do. 5.Lots of boys love watching football . Ⅱ.根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词 6.Let’s have a    (聚会) this evening. 7.My mother wants to make a    (蛋糕) for me. 8.Can you    (唱) the English song? 9.I have a    (幸福的) family. 10.Lisa    (从不) plays computer games. She thinks it’s bad for her eyes. Ⅲ.按要求完成句子,每空一词 11.They usually have a party for his birthday.(对画线部分提问) for his birthday? 12.His birthday is on August 2nd.(对画线部分提问) his birthday? 13.It takes David twenty minutes to get to school.(改为同义句) David     twenty minutes getting to school. 14.(2016 重庆中考 B 卷)I hope to get a letter from my parents because I miss them very much.(改 为同义句) I hope to         my parents because I miss them very much. 15.Give them some books, please.(改为同义句) Please give some books        . Ⅳ.任务型阅读 以下是关于五个人的情况的描述,请从 A—H 中找出和他们相搭配的内容。 16.Li Ming wants to buy a red sweater, but he doesn’t know where to buy it. Do you know? 17.I want to find a pen friend. I want to learn English well. Who can help me? 18.I want to buy a computer, but I don’t know which to choose. Do you know? 19.Today I am very happy. Do you know why? 20.I like playing football. My friend, Robert, likes playing football too. But we don’t have free time to play it. A.It’s my birthday today. My parents buy a computer for me. I really like the computer. B.Welcome to the football club. Let’s meet in the park on weekends. C.We


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