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一年级起点新标准英语第四册Module 1 教案 教学目标 能运用核心句子询问及回答天气情况并谈论不同天气下人们喜欢的体育活动。 知识目标 1.能用核心句子 what’s the weather like ? 2.What do you like doing in summer? 教学重难点 1.重点句型的认知和运用 2.童谣儿歌的演唱和改编。 课时安排 四课时 教具准备 PPT, 图片,动画视频 教学过程 第一课时 Step 1 warming up 1.回顾hot , cold, warm, cool 2.引导学生观察挂图, 描述听录音,翻开书勾出生词和不懂的地方。 3.听录音,圈出hot , raining, sunny, windy Step 2 preparation TPR操练生词 Sunny, hot, cold, rainy, windy 1.理解认读,替换练习。 2.再次听录音,跟读模仿语音语调。 问答练习. Step 3 new lesson 1.请学生看动画,理解动画意思。 2. 请学生猜测天气。 What ‘s the weather like? 3. 讲解核心句型 what’s the weather like? It’s hot, and it’s sunny. 4. 纠正发音及语音语调。 5. 问答练习示范 6. 请学生展示 Step 4 homework 听读课文。 板书设计 Module 1 Unit 1 what ‘s the weather like? Sunny rainy windy What ‘s the weather like ? It’s hot .and it’s sunny. 第二课时 知识目标 1. 掌握本课单词weather like sunny windy rain come on?snow skiing true 2. 句型?What is the weather like here in summer? It is sunny. And it is hot. What do you like doing in summer? I like swimming. 3. 熟读并背诵课文和说唱。 4. 四会单词: weather like sunny windy rain come on? 能力目标 能够运用所学句型: ?What is the weather like? It is sunny. And it is hot. I like swimming/skiing. 谈论天气?in each season。 Talk about the activities we do in each season 情感目标 学会与人交流,谈论天气并会表达自己喜欢做的事情。 教学重难点 1.单词:weather like sunny windy rain come on 2.句型:What is the weather like? It is sunny. And it is hot. ????????? I like swimming/skiing. 3.学会与人交流,谈论天气并会表达自己喜欢做的事情。 ?教学过程 Step 1 Free talk ???What day is today? ????? ?Which season do you like??Why ? ???? ??????What’s the weather like now?(show the cards) Step 2 Review the words in this module. ?Read and spell say the English and Chinese. ?First together then individual. Step 3 Say the chant. What’s the weather like? What’s the weather like? Hot, hot, it’s hot. Cold, cold, it’s cold. Windy, windy, it’s windy. Sunny, sunny, it’s sunny. Raining, raining, it’s raining. Snowing, snowing , it’s snowing. Rainy, rainy ,it’s rainy. Step 4. Talk about the activities. What do you like doing in summer? What do you like doing in spring? Wha


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