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7B Unit7 Abilities Task A recommendation letter I like to give a thumbs-up ( 点赞 )! Look! He is helping the old cross the road. 参加,参与 My English teacher never take s part in outdoor activities. She says she needs to care for the students in 关心,在乎 need . n. 短缺,缺乏 有需要的 I think we can recommend her for the Most Hard-working Teacher Award . 勤奋的 vt. 推荐 n. 奖,奖品,奖金 recommend sb. for … 推荐某人获得 … 奖 Our society is full of Positive Energy 社会 正能量 Mr Zhang Huazhong hear d from Mr 收到……的来信 Wu Bing. 1. Who does Mr Wu want to give a thumbs-up to? Daniel. 2. What do you think of Daniel? clever Daniel is _____________. adj. 考虑周到的 thinks carefully Daniel _______________. is thoughtful kind Daniel is _____________. clever thoughtful learn things quickly He learns things quickly . use computers well well . He can use computers v. + adv. think carefully He thinks carefully when he works. plan everything well He plans everything well . He often take s part in activities (lose — lost ) like collecting clothes and books for children in need. lose one's way 迷路 lost his way Last week, a 5-year-old boy __________ ( 迷路 ) and cried in the street… kind All the members at the Helping Hands Club think that Daniel should get the award. We look forward to hear ing from you soon. Read and think about 1. Form ( 格式 ) 2. Details (具体内容) A recommendation letter Dear Sir/Madam -- greeting 问候语 … … … How to write the details? 您忠实的 Yours faithfully -- closing 结束敬语 Your name Match the main idea of each paragraph Part 1 Part 2 Main body (主体) a. State ( 陈述 ) again and closing. b. Who to recommend. c. One's ability, personality( 品质 ) and what did he do. Introduction (介绍



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