模具专业英语 Lesson 12 Parting Surface.pptVIP

模具专业英语 Lesson 12 Parting Surface.ppt

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Lesson 12 Parting Surface PPT模板下载:/moban/ 行业PPT模板:/hangye/ 节日PPT模板:/jieri/ PPT素材下载:/sucai/ PPT背景图片:/beijing/ PPT图表下载:/tubiao/ 优秀PPT下载:/xiazai/ PPT教程: /powerpoint/ Word教程: /word/ Excel教程:/excel/ 资料下载:/ziliao/ PPT课件下载:/kejian/ 范文下载:/fanwen/ 试卷下载:/shiti/ 教案下载:/jiaoan/ PPT论坛: TABLE OF CONTENT 1 Passage 2 New Words and Expressions 3 Notes 4 Reading Material Lesson 12 Parting Surface The parting surfaces of a mold are those portion of both mold plates adjacent to the impressions, which butt together to form a seal and prevent the loss of plastic material from the impression.① The parting surface is classified as being flat and non-flat. 分型面是指形成模具型腔的两块相合模板的接触表面,这两块模板形成一个密封型腔,防止熔融塑料从型腔中溢出。分型面分为两种形式:平面分型和非平面分型。 Note ①句中的which引导的定语从句修饰both mold plates, prevent…from是阻止;制止;妨碍的意思。 Lesson 12 Parting Surface 1. Flat Parting Surface The nature of the parting surface depends entirely on the shape of the component. For instance, the parting surface of the rectangular molding is shown in Figure 12-1(a). The cavity for this article can be die-sunk into one mold plate. The position of the parting surface will therefore be at the top of the molding, the parting surface itself being perfectly flat. For appearance this is the ideal arrangement as the parting line is not noticeable unless flash develops. 1.平面分型面 分型面的形状完全取决于塑件的形状。例如,图12-1(a)所示的矩形塑件,塑件的型腔凹进模板内,因此,分型面位于塑件的顶部,形成完美的平面分型。从外观上看,(塑件表面)分型线并不明显(除非产生飞边),这种分型面是一种理想状态。 Figure 12-1 Flat parting surface 图12-1 平面分型面 Lesson 12 Parting Surface 设计分型面时需进一步考虑塑件的脱模问题。图12-1(b)给出了平面矩形塑件分型面的位置,这种塑件两侧带有两个倾斜角。(对于这类塑件,最恰当的)分型线应位于塑件两个倾角的角分线处,(以分型线为界,塑件被分为上下两部分)塑件的两部分分别凹进模具的两块模板中。从脱模方向看,分型线必须选择在塑件横截面尺寸最大的地方。 A further consideration is that the parting surface must be chosen so that the molding can be removed from the mold. Figure 12-1(b) shows the parting s


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