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-1072- -1072- 化学进展 第空卷 ? 1994-2014 China Academic Journal I ? 1994-2014 China Academic Journal I;lcctronic Publishing House. All rights reserved, 三氟甲基芳基硫瞇的合成收稿:2013年1月收悸改植:2013年 收稿:2013年1月收悸改植:2013年3月(特约) 冬国聂自然科学基金项目(No资助 * Corresponding author e-mau: zweng? fzu edu cn 何伟明翁志强… (福州大学化学化工学院福州350108) 摘要三氟甲基芳基硫醸由于具有高疏水性和亲脂性在医药、农用化学品及材料科学中九着重要的 应用。合成含三氟甲硫基的芳香化合物已成为有机氟化学领域的研究热点之一。本文从间接法和直接法區 方面综述了向分子中引入三氟甲硫基的相矢研究包括新的三氟甲硫基化试剂以及新的合成方法在制备三 氟甲基芳基硫醸中的应用最后讨论了这些方法存在的冋题,并为探索新型的、更加经济的三氟甲硫基化反 应提供参考。 尖键词芳香化合物三氟甲基芳基硫髓三氟甲硫基化三氟甲硫基化试剂 中图分类号:0625. 1; 0621.3; 0622. 2 文献标识码:A 文童编号:1005-281X( 2013) 07-1071-08 Synthesis of Aryl Trifluoromethyl Thioethers He Weiming Weng Zhiqiang* * (College of Chemisiry and Chemical Engineering ? Fuzhou Univcrsiiy ? Fuzhou 350108 ? China) Abstract Aromatic irifluoromeihylihio components ( ArSCF3) have found in many pharmaceuticals ? agrochemicals and materials because of lheir high lipophilicity and hydrophobiciiy parameter Consequcnily ?ihc dcvclopmeni of efficient meihods for preparing ArSCF5 compounds has been a iop】c of increasing importance in organic synthesis This review focuses pariicularly on ihc prcscmly known trifluoromeihyhhiolanon divided inio ^direct and ^indireci meihods- Rcccni advances in the development of new siraiegies for incorporation of —SCF3 groups into organic molecules including nucleophilic ? electrophilic,radical lrifluoromeihylthiolaiion,anc new irifluoromc:hylihiolaiion reagents and reaciions are reviewed Lastly * the symhctic challenges and rcscarct ircnd for irifluoromeihylihiolaiion arc also discussed Key words aromatic compounds; aryl irifluoromcihyl ihioeihcrs; irifluoromeihylihiolaiion; irifluor mcihyl:h:o:a【ion reagenis Con tents Imroduciion Indirect meihods for synthesis of aryl trifluoTomcihyl ihioeihcrs 1 Halogen-fluorine exchange 2.2 Incorporaiion of CF5 group io sulfur aiom containing subsiraies Direci meihods for synthesis of aryl trifluoromethyl thioethers 1 Electrophilic irifluoromethythiolaiion 3. 2


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