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Unit1 When is the school-leavers’party? Unit 1 When’s the school-leavers’ party? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 Look at the party invitation and answer the questions. Invitation You’re invited to the School Leavers’ Party on Saturday 30th May at 5pm. In the school hall Bring a traditional dish– “finger food” Music and dancing Dish Made with… Betty Lingling Tony Daming cheeseburgers cheese, hambergers Hot and sour soup chicken and vegetables pizza Cheese, tomato, ham Jiaozi Listen and complete the table with notes. Not mentioned Language points 1. dish:一道菜 e.g. When I was in Italy, I had a wonderful pasta dish. 我在意大利的时候,吃过一顿很棒的意大利面食。 2.do/wash the dishes 清洗餐具 e.g. I’ll just do the dishes before we go. 我们走之前,我会把餐具洗好的。 2. no good 没用处 e.g. The movie is no good, I think. There’s too much fighting. 我觉得这部影片不太好,打斗场面太多。 no good doing sth. It’s no good talking to him– he never listens. 跟他讲没用,他从来不听。 no good for sth. These glasses are no good for wine. 这些杯子不适合用来喝红酒。 no good to sb. A car is no good to me, since I can’t drive! 汽车对我没多大的用处,因为我不会开车。 一般现在时: 一般过去时: 一般将来时: 情态动词: 现在进行时: 过去进行时: 现在完成时: S+am/is/are + done S+can/may/must/should+be+done S+will+be +done S+was/were+being+done S+have/has+been+ done S+was/were + done Summary: 各种时态的被动语态构成 S+ am/is/are+being+done 分析: 按照句子的一般语法结构来看,可划分成为以下意群视读单位: (1) 短句 (2) 名词短语 (3) 介词/不定式/分词短语 (4) 动词短语 (5) 主谓结构 (6) 动宾结构 (7) 系表结构 (8) 动状结构 (9) 主句-从句。 Betty: Pizza isn’t English! It was invented in Italy, not England! Tony: But pizza can be eaten everywhere in England. Betty: I don’t think Shakespeare ate pizza! Work in pairs. Say the sentences aloud. Tips: 听的时候注意按意群的断句位置正确停顿。 food and drink Practice Work in pairs. Make plans for a party. Think about: finger food such as potato crisps, bread, fruits, vegetables like tomatoes and cucumber, soft drink such as soda, coca-cola and so on Decoration: decorate the living room with balloons, colorful strips and lights


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