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Let’s Practice: 1. Read the article again to decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it’s correct, choose T. If it’s incorrect, choose F. 阅读文章,判断下面句子的正误,正确的用(T),错误的用(F)。 1) On the weekend Sam always cleaned his room. (F ) 2) Kumar is Sam’s foreign friend at school who likes doing chores. (F ) 3) Kumar felt very lucky when he talked to Sam about chores. (T ) 4) Kumar’s sisters refused to help Sam clean his room. (T ) 5) Only Sam and Kumar will be happy if there is a robot to do the chores. (F ) 2. Fill the blanks with the words in box. 用方框中的单词或词组填空。 foreign instead talked prepare Looking after owns different hate 1. We prepare fruit and sausage for the picnic. 2. I do hope these tip can help improve your learning of a foreign language. 3. I hate these dry dreary days. 4. Yesterday our doctor talked to me about my daughter‟s healthy. 5. This time, instead of fear, she reacts with happiness. 6. Different nations have different levels of technology. 7. He owns nothing beyond the dirty house. 8. Looking after us was a full-time job, so she stayed at home. 3. Complete the following sentences with words given. 根据句意,用所给词或词组的正确形式填空。 1) 在漫长的一日工作后,音乐可以帮助人们放松。(help…to) Music can help people to relax after a long day of work. 2) 我最爱的伞可以帮助我遮风挡雨。(help…to) My favourite umbrella could help me to keep out wind and rain. 3) 妈妈教我如何使用这台机器。(how to) Mum the machine. 4) 我喜欢教我的小弟弟怎么打好篮球。(how to) I enjoy teaching my little brother how to play basketball well. 4. Fill the blanks, use the words according to the text. 根据课文填空。 Sam hat


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