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__________________________________________________ 中国房地产行业发展历程与趋势 摘要: 20 世纪 90 年代开始,我国房地产行业进入了高速增长时期,房地产业与国民经济的整 体发展的关系越来越为密切。然而在其高速发展的同时,市场中出现越来越多的非健康、非 稳定、非可持续发展因素。房地产市场中的土地转让、融资环境、买卖双方等都出现了问题, 房价更是一直水涨船高。远远超出居民的购买能力,购房压力不断攀升。房地产作为被定性 为国民经济的支柱产业,它的健康有序发展关乎到国家经济和民族命运,因此我们必须对我 国房地产市场给予更广泛的关注和研究,确保我国房地产市场实现建康、稳定、可持续的发 展。本文首先回顾我国房地产业的发展历程,在针对此过程出现的代表性的问题予以方法论 的指导,最后对我国房地产市场进行较为乐观的展望,提出建设性的意见。 关键词: 房地产 历程 调控 城市化 趋势 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除 __________________________________________________ Abstract 1990s, Chinas real estate industry has entered a period of rapid growth, the real estate industry and the overall development of the national economy more closely. However, at the same time, there are more and more unhealthy, unstable and non sustainable factors in the market. The real estate market in the land transfer, financing environment, the seller and the buyer have problems, prices are always rising. Far beyond the purchasing power of residents, housing pressure continues to rise. As for the real estate has been characterized as a pillar industry of the national economy, related to the national economy and the national destiny of its healthy and orderly development, so we must give more attention and Research on Chinas real estate market, to ensure the development of Chinas real estate market health, stability, sustainable. This paper first reviews the development of Chinas real estate industry, the methodology for this process in the representation of the problem to be the guide, and finally prospects more optimistic about the real estate market of our country, put forward the constructive suggestion. Key words: real estate process control urbanization trend 一、引言 房地产业是指是以土地和建筑物为经营对象,从事房地产开发、建设、经营、管理以及


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