冀教版教本一年级起点小学四年级英语上册Unit 3 In the City第8时.ppt

冀教版教本一年级起点小学四年级英语上册Unit 3 In the City第8时.ppt

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Unit 3 In the City 第18课时 Go straight and turn right at the traffic lights, you will see the bus stop. Warming up 看图用英语描述。 city Pre-reading Where does Kitty live? While-reading Questions: 1.How many people (人) in the story? Lost in the city. 2.Who is the cat going to visit? Read by yourself, please. If you have any questions, you can ask your partner or the teacher for help. (请你自己读故事,有不明白的地方 可以问你的同桌或老师) While-reading 1. How does the dog show the cat the way? Please circle the answers. 2. How does the bird show her the way? 3. Does the cat see her sister?  While-reading Go down this street and turn left. What do they say? Go straight down this street. You’ll see the traffic lights. Turn right at the traffic lights. While-reading Look at the sign(标志)and say. While-reading MICE NICE Let’s watch the story again. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the tone. (注意人物的语音语调) While-reading Questions: The cat says “I got lost, but I got much help.” Was the cat hard to get there? What have you learnt from(从……学到) this story? While-reading Post-reading 2. Who helps the cat find the MICE Apartment? Let’s help each other. (让我们互相帮助) 1. Does the dog tell the cat the right way? Let’s watch the story again. This time, you can read with it. Post-reading Summary 1. 词汇:lost, miss, apartment, map, finally 2. 句型: She lives in the city. I am going to visit her. There are many streets and stores in the city. I meet a nice dog. You’ll see the traffic lights. I get to the MICE Apartment. My sister is happy to see me.   3. 故事:Let’s help each other. Homework 1. 听录音,熟读本课内容。 2. 回家后把这个故事讲给爸爸妈妈听。


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