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2021年七夕情人节温暖英语句子三篇   2021年七夕情人节温暖英语句子   1、因为太喜欢你,所以看谁都像是情敌。   because love you, so to see who is like a rival in love.   2、你让我明白,暗恋原来是这么一回事。   you make me understand, unrequited love is such a thing.   3、我的心如此眷恋你,直到时光尽头。   my heart is so miss you, until the end of time.   4、你曾给我的一抹阳光,一直温暖到现在。   you gave me a bit of sunshine, warm until now.   5、如果说天长地久、那我宁愿和你永远不离不弃。   if forever, that i would rather never leave with you.   6、你不要一个人勇敢了,来我怀里懦弱好吗?   you don’t a person brave, to my arms cowardice?   7、也许你走出了我的视线,却没走出我的思念。   maybe you out of my sight, but not out of my thoughts.   8、阳光灿烂的笑容,在你我相遇的时刻使我钟情。   sunny smile, in a time of i met that i love.   9、即使我身边没有你的陪伴,我依然着迷于你。   even if my side without you, so i’m still obsessed with you.   10、我对你的爱,就如明亮的白天照射在大地。   my love for you, as the bright light during the day in the earth.   11、或许这些话永远不会当面说,但是谢谢你们的陪伴。   may these words never say face to face, but thank you for your company.   12、我这么辛苦的吃胖,就是为了在你的心里多占点位置。   i so hard to eat fat, is for the position in your heart for more.   13、送你一个吻,悄悄的说我很高兴你是我的。情人节快乐!   send you a kiss, a whisper i’m glad you are mine. happy valentine’s day!   14、只是不小心,便记住你,目光紧随你,悲与欢都想告诉你。   just don’t care, and remember you, look after you, who rejoices with all want to tell you.   15、其实我努力的吃这么胖,不就是为了在你心里多站点地儿。   in fact, i try to eat so fat, not just to place in your heart more site.   16、如果我现在的存在,阻碍了你的生活,那么我消失在这灯光之下。   if i now exist, hinder your life, then i disappear under the lights.   17、只是想就这样开开心心一辈子,一生一起来走过。   so just want to open happy heart for a lifetime, a lifetime together to pass by.   18、全世界就这么一个你,多想珍惜,你却不给我这个机会。   the world is such a you, more want to cherish, but you do not give me this opportunity.   19、有一种爱情,叫白头偕老;有一种幸福,叫有你相伴。   there is a love, called grow old; there’s a kind of happiness, with you always.   20、怀揣着一个爱你的心在滚滚浊世前进,虽然它很脆弱但是它不会死阿。   with a love your heart in chaotic times, although it is very fragile but it will not die.   2021年七夕情人节温暖英语句子   1、无情的时空将你我分隔,但想你的心儿依旧难平,七七


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