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上市企业财务舞弊和治理对策研究 摘 要 财务汇报对企业经营管理含相关键意义,能够使企业决议愈加合理,同时也是国民经济宏观和微观管理关键信息起源。上市企业实施舞弊行为提供虚假会计信息会给社会及投资者带来一系列危害。最近,中国上市企业财务舞弊问题越发严重,这种现象严重干扰了中国证券市场秩序,对于舞弊行为整改刻不容缓。本文从相关概念和理论入手,对上市企业财务舞弊动机手段及根源进行了比较系统叙述,结尾部分分别从企业治理内部和外部两个层次对防范上市企业舞弊行为提出了合理策略和提议。 关键词: 财务问题;上市企业;舞弊动机 The Listed Company Financial Fraud And Countermeasures Research ABSTRACT Financial reporting is an important basis for enterprise management and scientific decision-making, is also an important source of information for macro-economic and micro-management. Corrupt behavior listed companies providing false accounting information society and investors will bring a series of hazards. In recent years, the behavior of these companies' financial fraud of more intensified. The consequences of financial fraud has become a stumbling block to bring the development of China's securities market, and how to solve them temporary and permanent cure has become an urgent problem. Based on these theory research, financial fraud of listed companies and the root of motivation means systematically expounded, the paper finally from the perspective of corporate governance, internal and external audit proposed countermeasures and suggestions for prevention of financial fraud of listed companies, respectively. Key words:Financial Problems; Listing Corporation; Fraud Motivation 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 一、序言 1 (一)研究背景和意义 1 (二)研究方案 1 二、上市企业财务舞弊现实状况和审计关系 1 (一)财务舞弊概念及基础理论 1 1.财务舞弊概念 1 2.财务舞弊基础理论 2 (二)财务舞弊存在关键方面 3 1.违规披露信息 3 2.现金舞弊 3 3.资产重组舞弊 3 (三)财务舞弊和审计之间关系 4 三、上市企业财务舞弊成因和案例剖析 4 (一)财务舞弊成因 4 1.经营业绩考评压力 4 2.股票发行压力 4 3.内部治理结构不完善 6 4.外部制衡不力 6 (二)案例分析 6 四 、治理上市企业财务舞弊提议和策略 8 (一)健全董事会制度,提升决议效率 8 (二)完善上市企业内部会计核实制度 8 (三)健全会计准则相关要求 9 (四)完善监管体系 9 (五)完善企业管理机制 9 (六)进行内部控制评定和汇报 10 (七)加强素质培训,增强处罚力度 10 五、结束语 10 参考文件 11 致谢 12 上市企业财务舞弊和治理对策研究 序言 (一)研究背景和意义 多年来,财务汇报舞弊现象越发突出,引发广泛关注。企业财务汇报是投资人了解企业经营情况和经营收益关键


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