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第 PAGE 页码 页码页 / 总页数 NUMPAGES 总页数 总页数 页 个人应聘简历英文模板 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《个人应聘简历英文模板》的内容,具体内容:英文简历的制作情况决定了求职者能否成功得到一个面试机会,那你知道求职者的英文简历该怎么写吗?下面是我为大家带来的英文版个人简历,相信对你会有帮助的。英文版个人简历(一)... 英文简历的制作情况决定了求职者能否成功得到一个面试机会,那你知道求职者的英文简历该怎么写吗?下面是我为大家带来的英文版个人简历,相信对你会有帮助的。 英文版个人简历(一) Personal Details Name: Sex : Male Age: Marital Status: Single Date of Birth: Nationality: American Languages Known: English and Spanish Hobbies: Programming and Web Designing References Designation: Manager Organization Name: Telephone Number: Email Id: Career Objective Seeking a high position in enterprise planning area, which will allow me to utilize my knowledge and skills to prepare efficient and effective budget plans for the company, thereby improving their profitability. Skills and Proficiencies Knowledge of Cognos software tools and applications Proven track record of implementing enterprise planning and business intelligence strategies and solutions successfully Experience in working with data warehousing tools Translate business requirements into processes and make effective decisions to achieve business/project objectives Communicate fluently and effectively with domestic and international clients and associates Use easy techniques and solutions to solve complex problems without using complicated languages and scripting Ability to explore information or data from the right source at the right time Abreast with latest technologies, applications and processes in the Cognos enterprise planning environment Technical Skills and Knowledge Cognos tool - Cognos 8 Planning application, Administrator, Author, Framework Manager, Report Studio, etc. Business intelligence/OLAP tools, Data stage, Informatica and Abinitio Software languages including SQL, Java, XML, PL, C, C++, etc. HTML, DHTML Operating System and Windows XP, 2003, Unix, MS-DOS Microsoft suite TOAD, Enterprise manager, Quality SQA Educational Qualifications MBA


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