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第 PAGE 页码 页码 页 / 总页数 NUMPAGES 总页数 总页数 页 一份好的英语简历 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《一份好的英语简历》的内容,具体内容:制作英文简历是求职者在求职路上迈出的第一步,下面是由我分享的完整的英文版个人简历,希望对你有用。完整的英文版个人简历(一)xx City, xx Sta... 制作英文简历是求职者在求职路上迈出的第一步,下面是由我分享的完整的英文版个人简历,希望对你有用。 完整的英文版个人简历(一) xx City, xx State E-mail Objective To obtain a challenging position with a market leader that utilizes my experience in product management, sales management, account management, and project management. Professional Summary Experienced manager with skills in leading direct reports as well as cross-functional teams, managing a product line from cradle to grave, justifying new product development investments, determining and documenting new product requirements, developing sales forecasts and product pricing, and launching new products to the marketplace. Proven ability to manage key account relationships and large-scale projects. Experience with presenting to senior management, representing senior management in discussions with others in the company, meeting with customers, training and assisting dealers, and coordinating the activities of region managers. Experience A Company, Inc., Any City, Any State, 7/96 Present. Product Manager, 1/99 Present. Reporting to the V. P. of Product Management, responsible for a product line of 20 products representing $12 million in sales revenue for a leading manufacturer of ABC equipment generating sales of $450 million annually. Increased product line sales from $8 million in 1999 to $12 million in 2000, a 50% increase, and managed the companys $30 million accessories and parts program. Launched new product into the marketplace to replace an existing product increasing annual unit sales from 3,000 to 12,000. Meet with dealers, national accounts, end-users, and the sales force to define new product requirements and work with product development to document these requirements in product specifications. Analyze competitive product offerings in terms of feature


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