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Inversion 倒装句 ;;2. Ability goals Enable the students can understand the sentences written in Inversion. Enable the students to use inverted sentences correctly. 3. Learning strategy Help the students learn how to use Inversion correctly. Guide the students to summarize the usage of Inversion. ;1. What is Inversion? 2. Why do we use Inversion?;Step 1. Warming--up;4. 奶奶给我讲了个故事。(tell sb sth);基本语序;Where is always the predicate?;Step 2:Observation and Thinking:;倒装句种类;(4) He knows little about the news. ;倒装句种类;倒装语序;倒装;1.一只小狗坐在房间外。 A little dog sits outside the room. Outside the room sits a little dog. ; A cry came from the valley. ;职高高考倒装的考法: 1. 放在单项选择题中,考查考生的倒装语法知识是否熟练掌握; ;;2. Under the tree ______ of eight years old. sat a little girl did a little girl sit a little girl was sitting a little girl sat;3、Just in front of our house ____ with a history of 1000 years. A. does a tall tree stand B. stands a tall tree. C. a tall tree is standing D. a tall tree stands ;4. At the foot of the mountain ____________. A. a village lies B. lies a village C. does a village lie D. lying a village ;一座碉楼座落在山顶上。 A watchtower stands ______________.(5’) On top of the hill _______a watchtower.;我们学校旁边有一条河。 ; 铃响了。 公车来了。;那个男孩走开了。 Away went the boy. 小孩子冲了出来。 Out rushed the children.;Away he went.;______ notebook that I promised you last year. Here is the B. Here are the C. Is here the D. Are here the;;考点二: 翻译句子;全部倒装之三:;开平现存1833座碉楼。 There ________________1833 watchtowers in Kaiping. ;Conclusion 3:;考点1:;全部倒装之四:;“Why didn’t you join us!” Our monitor asked us. ;Step 5. Homework;Thank you!;4)表语置于句首时,为了使上下文紧密衔接,常把表语放在句首,倒装结构为:表语+连系动词+主语 出席晚会的有黄先生,张小姐和其他的宾客。 Mr.H, Miss Zh and other guests are present at the party. Present at the party are Mr.H, Miss H and other guests. ;中国人被瞧不起的日子一去不复返了。 The days when Chinese were looked down upon are gone. ;1、Just in front of our house ____ with


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