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求职英语 面试前的几项功课 求职英语:面试前的几项必备功课 Before your interview, there are some things you can do to ___ximise your chan ___s of getting the job. 在面试前,有几件事你可以准备起来,最大化自己得到工作的机会。 Research the pany and the job thoroughly. Get acquainted with the organisation‘s size, history and reputation. You could do this online, through the pany’s website, or at a local library. If you know someone who works there, he or she would be a good sour ___ of infor ___tion. You ___y not be asked about this infor ___tion but it will help you understand the job. 对这个公司和这份工作做一次 ___的研究。了解这个 ___的规模、历史和声誉。你可以上这个公司的 ___了解或是在当地图书馆找些资料。如果你认识在那里工作的人,那会是更好的信息。在面试时可能不会问到此类问题,但是这些信息能帮你更了解这个公司。 Make sure you have a full job description from the employer so you can ___tch your skills to the job‘s requirements. Think about how your previous experien ___ qualifies you and how it pares to the work on offer. 确保你能拿到自己申请的职位的详细工作职责描述,这样才能把你自己的技巧和工作所需的对应起来。想想自己以前的经验如何与你申请的职位吻合。 Learn as much as you can about how the interview will be conducted. For example, it is not impolite to ask how long the interview will take; it shows you are serious about the pro ___edings. On ___ you know approxi ___tely how long it will last, you can prepare how you will pa ___ yourself and which are the most important points you want to ___ke. Make sure you don‘t arrange any appointments immediately after the interview. You don’t want to feel rushed and, besides, it might stretch on beyond the specified time. 尽量去了解面试会如何 ___。比如,你大可以问面试会进行多长时间,这不会显得自己不礼貌、而会让对方觉得你对面试很上心。一旦你知道面试时间,你就可以为如何把握面试节奏做准备,想想哪些是你在面试中一定想要表达的点。注意:不要在面试后安排任何时间很近的事儿。你总不想面试时慌慌张张的吧?另外,指不准面试时间又延长了呢? Try to find out who the interviewer will be and research him or her at the pany‘s website. Hopefully you will learn something about the interviewer’s general interests and how he or she fits into the organisation. 试着搞清楚那天面试你的会是谁,然后在 ___上查找一些他/她的资料。如果顺利的话,你可能可以了解对方的喜好,以及他/她在公司具体做什么工作? The pany ___y have a dress code that you‘ll need to know about. What is


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