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Unit 3;Read the sentences with who or which. ;(which, who引导的定语从句);看下面的几个例句: It successfully shows the rich culture which makes Beijing so famous. 它成功地展示了使北京闻名世界的丰富的文化。 The photo which we liked best was taken by Zhao Min. 我们最喜欢的照片是赵敏拍的。;It successfully shows the rich culture which makes Beijing so famous.;The photo which we liked best was taken by Zhao Min.;His father is the person who will be most unhappy.;由此,我们可以看出: who引导的定语从句修饰的先行词是 人,可以作主语,也可以作宾语。;在先行词是物的定语从句中,一般情 况下that和which可以通用, 但在下 列情况下, 一般用that而不用which。;I’ve read all the books that are not mine.;This is the very book that belongs to him.;Which of the books that you borrowed from the library is the most interesting?;Activity 1 ;Learning to learn;Join the sentences with who or which.;that can run faster than Peter;Complete the sentences with who, which or that. The person ___________ talked with me just now is an American engineer. 2. The train _____________ was going to Shanghai was one hour late. 3. The person __________ was taken to hospital is in this room now.;4. The first place _________ we visited in that city was a factory. 5. This is one of the best films __________ have been shown these months. 6. My watch was not the only thing _______ was missing during the trip.;The stamp is on the desk. You want to buy the stamp. ____________________________________________________________________ 2. This is the cat. My uncle took the cat here from Thailand by plane. ____________________________________________________________________;3. I know the boy. The boy likes playing computer games very much. ___________________________________ ___________________________________;5. The children are very healthy. She is looking after the children. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 6. He lives in an old house. The old house was built 70 years ago. ________________________________________________________________________


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