Section B 2-英语九年级全册.pptVIP

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Unit 11;Unit 11;Section B 2 3a-Self Check;翻译下列短语。 1. 使……失望 2. 开除 3. 而不是 4. 齐心协力 5. 在肩上 6. 停止做某事 7. 敲门 8. 与…… 交流 9. 向……学习 10. 继续做某事;Think of some experiences that made you feel very happy or sad. Tell your partner about them. Use the following ideas to help you.;● winning/ losing a competition ● getting good/ bad grades on an exam ● performing something well/ badly in front of a big group of people ● getting into a fight with your best friend ● your first trip outside your hometown;Winning a competition always makes me happy.;Write a story similar to the one in 2b using your notes in 3a.; 本文根据要求是一篇记叙文。它主要是说明事件的时间、背景、起因、过程及结果,  即我们通常所说的五个“ W ”(what,  who,  when,  where,  why )和一个“ H ” (how)。人称应是第一人称,  时态应是过去时。; After school this afternoon,  on my way home I met two Americans who lost their way. They forgot the way to the hotel where they stayed. As I knew where the hotel was,  I decided to take them there. On the road,  we talked a lot. I told them about the great changes in the city. They told me something about the American youth as well.; When they arrived,  they thanked me a lot. That made me very happy. Because I not only helped two foreigners,  but also realized the importance of learning a foreign language well. I think we should try our best to help each other.;1. Put the words in the appropriate place in the chart.;2. Write sentences using the words given. 1. sad movies/ cry Sad movies make me cry. 2. speaking in front of many people/nervous 3. money and fame/ not always happy;4. soft piano music/relaxed 5. rainy days/stay at home and watch TV;3. Number the things [1–6] (1 = least important,  6 = most important). Write a reason for each choice.;Power is not important to me. I don’t like to control others. Wealth is not very important. I prefer to live a simple life. Healt



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