(课标版)云南省中考英语总复习 第一部分 基础知识梳理 课时12 八下8课件.pptxVIP

(课标版)云南省中考英语总复习 第一部分 基础知识梳理 课时12 八下8课件.pptx

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第一部分 基础知识梳理 课时12 八8 考 点 1 直击中考考点辨析success, succeed, successful与successfully【考点精讲】单词词性及含义用法successn.成功表示抽象意义的“成功”,是不可数名词;表示具体意义的“成功的人或事”,是可数名词。单词词性及含义用法succeedv.成功succeed in doing sth.成功做某事successfuladj.成功的be successful in doing sth.成功做某事successfullyadv.成功地用来修饰动词【考点冲关】1. As long as we work together, we can ________in overcoming this difficulty. (success)2. The people who are more confident have more chances to be ________ sooner or later. (success)3. I passed the final exam ________ with the help of my good friends. A. successful B. successfully C. succeed D. success4. There is no doubt that you will succeed ________ finishing your scientific research. A.on B.at C.in D.tosucceedsuccessfulBC 考 点 2afford的用法考点二【考点精讲】◆afford作动词,意为“买得起,负担得起”,通常与can, could, be able to连用,尤其用于否定句或疑问句中。如:Can you afford a house in Beijing?在北京你能买得起一套房子吗?◆afford之后跟名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语。如:The piano is too dear. I can't afford to buy it.这架钢琴太贵了。我买不起。【考点冲关】B5. —That girl is from a poor family and she can’t afford ________ the school uniform. —Sorry to hear that. Let’s donate our pocket money to her.A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. bought6. They missed the last bus and walked home last night because they couldn’t ________ to take a taxi.A. leave B. buy C. afford D. payC 考 点 3“be made+介词”短语小结【考点精讲】如:The shirt which is made of cotton feels comfortable.这件棉制的衬衫摸起来很舒适。This kind of wine is made from rice.这种酒是由米制成的。Many smart phones and other electronic products are made in China.许多智能手机和其他电子产品在中国制造。拓展:be made的相关搭配:be made by sb.由某人制成be made into sth.被制成某物sth. be made up of某物由(几部分)组成【考点冲关】7. This kind of silk ____________ Suzhou and it sells very well.(产于……)8. The sky lanterns are used in festivals and other celebrations. They _____________ bamboo and are covered with paper.(由……制成)9. To my surprise, the butter is ________ milk. A. made by B. made in C. made from D. made intois made inare made ofC10. —Do you like those cloth


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