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Hard life 关于人生 A life of slothful ease,a life of that peacewhichsprings merely from lackeithe rof desire orof powerto strive aftergreat things, is as little worthy ofa nation as an individual. We do not admire the manof timid peace.We admirethe manwho embodies victorious efforts, the manwho neverwrongs his neighbor,who is promptto helpa friend, but w ho has those virile qualities necessary towin inthe sternstrife ofactual life. It i s hard to fail, but it is worse neverto have tried to succeed. Inthis lifeweget n othing save by effort. Freedomfromeffort inthe present merely meansthat th ere has beeneffort stored up inthe past.A man can befreedfromthe necess ity of workonly by thefactthat he or his fathers before him have worked to go od purpose. If thefreedomthus purchased isused aright,and the manstilldoe s actualwork,thoughof a different kind,whetheras awriteror a general,whet her inthefield of politics or inthe field of explorationand adventure, he shows he deserves his good fortune. But if he treats this period of freedomfromthe need of actual laboras a perio d, not ofpreparation,butof mere enjoyment,eventhough perhaps not of vicio us enjoyment, he shows thathe is simply a cumbereronthe earth’s surface;a nd he surely unfits himself to hold his ownplacewith his fellows, if the need to do so should againarise.A mere life of ease is not inthe end a very satisfacto ry life,and,above all, it is a lifewhich ultimately unfits thosewho follow it fors eriouswork intheworld. As it is withthe individual,so it is withthe nation. It is a base untruthto say th at happyis the nationthat has no history.Thrice happy is the nationthat has a glorious history. Farbetter it is to dare mighty things,towin glorious triumphs, eventhough checkered by failure,thanto take rankwiththose poorspirits wh o neitherenjoy much norsuffer much,because theylive inthe gray twillight tha t knows neithervictory nor defeat. 一种怠惰安逸的生活,一种仅仅是由于缺少追寻伟大亊物的渴望或能力而导致的悠闲生活, 这对国家与


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