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牛津沪教版六年级上 Unit7 复习教案 六年级上 U7 . Words. Step1: Greetings & Free talk How are you today? Is there something interesting or important this week? What have you learned in your school? Step2: Lead in— 脑筋急转弯 监狱里关着两名犯人, 一天晚上犯人全都逃跑了, 可是第二天看守员打开牢门一看, 里面还有一个犯人?【答案】 逃跑的犯人名字叫 “全都 ”。 Step3: Words and expressions. . Words. rule n. (1)规则 e. g. The driver broke a traffic rule. 司机违反了交通规则。 The rule is that someone must be on duty at all times. 按照规定,任何时候均需有人值班。 (2)习惯 e. g. My rule is to get up at seven every day.我习惯每天七点起床。 My grandfather has many good rules, so he is still strong: 我爷爷有很多好习惯,所以他仍很健壮。 (3)统治,管理 e.g. Which countries were formerly under French rule?从前哪些国家由法国统治呢? (1)统治 e.g. He once ruled over a vast empire他.曾统治过一个版图辽阔的帝国。 The young king rules the whole country alone.年轻的国王独自统治着整个国家。 (2)支配,操纵 e. g. Don't allow yourself to be ruled by emotion. 不要感情用事。 The little dog is ruled by her master.小狗被她的主人控制着。 [记忆链接 ]ruler n. 统治者;尺子 e. g. She is the only ruler at that small country她.是那个小国的唯一统治者。 There is a yellow ruler on the desk.桌子上有一把黄色的尺子。 wait for 等待 e. g. Jim is waiting for his friends. 吉姆正在等他的朋友们。 We had a long time to wait for the star.我们用了很长时间等这个明星。 [记忆链接 ]wait 等侯,等待 e. g. I was prepared for a wait.我有所准备要等侯一阵。 等侯,等待 e.g. Have you been waiting long?你等了很久吗? We are waiting for the rain to stop.我们正在等着雨停。 1 / 8 牛津沪教版六年级上 Unit7 复习教案 enter 进入 e.g. Don't enter without knocking. 请先敲门再进来。 The train entered the tunnel.火车进入了隧道。 [记忆链接 ]entrance n. 入口 e. g. Can you find the entrance to the cave?你找到洞的入口了吗? You should stand at the entrance你.应该站在入口处。 [常见词组 ]enter for 报名参加 例如: Danny entered for the school choir丹.尼报名参加了学校合唱队。 [友情提示 ]enter 本身就有 “ go/come into的意”思,因此在表示 “进入某个地方 ”时,千万不能与 into 连用。 4. loudly adv.大声地 e.g. That lady always speaks very loudly.那位太太总是很大声地说话。 I can't hear you clearly, can you speak it loudly?我不能听清你说的话,你能再大声说一次吗? [记忆链接 ] loud adj. 大声地,响亮的 e.g. I heard a loud doorbell when I was cooking.当我做饭时,我听到一阵响亮的门铃声。 [反义词 ]quietly ad. 安静地 e.g. The cat came to the mouse quietly猫.悄悄地走向老鼠。


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