傲慢与偏见读后感 英文.docVIP

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Reflection of Pride and Prejudice I’ve read it during this semester. This book, written by Jane Austen, is published by China International Broadcasting Publishing House in 2010 and has 475 pages. Jane Austen is an English famous writer. Her compositions focus on country females’ marriage and their life. She describes her apperceive to the world with her own special perspective and humor words. Although Austen was only 21 when she wrote this novel, her sharp observation of social lives makes the style of this book surprisingly mature and lively. The main idea is: Mr. Bennet has five daughters. With the daughters’ grow older, finding husbands for their daughters become Mrs. Bennet’s priority thing. Their family belongs to middle class. Mrs. Bennet is a very vulgar and power person. Their neighbor Charles Bingley is a single man who possesses lots of property. And Mrs. Bennet urges her husband to visit Bingley. In her mind, she has listed him as a son-in-law. At a ball, Mrs. Bennet tries her best to introduce her daughters to rich person actively. Bingley’s friend called Fitzwilliam Darcy, an imposing, wealthy, noble and dignified man. He becomes a focus for many beautiful girls. Mrs. Bennet’s is very eager to introduce her daughters to middle and upper class people. Her behaviors are very comical,and she is like a clown for Mr. Darcy. He feels very disgust with Mrs. Bennet’s behaviors and also looks down upon her. But these girls find Darcy’s shortcomings soon. He takes up with Elisabeth; she is Mrs. Bennet’s second daughter. Because of many complex misunderstands they missed each other. Then, Elisabeth receives a letter from Darcy and they overcome their prejudices to each other. At last they fall in love and Elisabeth’s sisters also find their true love. And the novel ends in a happy atmosphere. In the eighteenth century, the British Empire is in the peak period. But the British social’s influence spread the whole country. For example, people’s views a


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