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单吊杆式镀板系统设计 摘 要 在的高温镀液屮进行PVC板(400x500x3)上镀铜实验,是比较危险的一项工作,因 为高温镀液会散发出有毒气体,所以采用封闭操作是必要的,这里应用一楼电镀,二楼 装卸比较安全。考虑电镀质量情况,要求电镀过程屮镀板必须有45°的旋转摆动和来冋 直线平动,同吋注意水温的控制、溶液浓度变化和阳极铜块的充分,以达到全自动化的 操作H的。本设计的完成对于电镀板件质量的研究有着重大的制导意义。 通过本设计,可以得出全而提高镀板质量,提高生产效率,和镀件在溶液屮的运动 方式以及运动时间有很大关系。必须保证PVC板能快速、准确的和镀液充分接触,在 规定时间内达到特定的要求。这就要求我们设计出高效、合理的运动装置。 为了设计高效、合理的运动装置,我们必须掌握现代化的设计思想,先进的设计理 论,正确的设计方法方能设计出符合要求的电镀系统。 关键词:单吊杆式;PVC板;镀铜;自动化控制 Designing of Single Suspenders Plating Board Bystem Abstract In the high-tcmpcraturc bath for PVC plates (400x500x3), copper plating experiments is the more dangerous one, since high-temperature bath will generate toxic gases and the use of closed operation is necessary. Application of the first floor here electroplating and second relatively safe handling. Consider the quality of electroplating and called electroplating plating process must have 450 plate rotating and oscillating between straight translation, pay attention to the control temperature, solution concentration and anode copper block to the full and to achieve a fully automated purpose of the operation. The completion of the design for electroplating plates quality of the research is of great significance to the guidance. Through the design, it can be comprehensively improve plating plate quality, increase production efficiency, and the plating solution in the movement patterns and movement has much time. PVC plates must ensure rapid, accurate and bath full access, in a specified time to meet specific requirements. This requires us to design efficient and reasonable movement devices. To design efficient, reasonable exercise device, we must grasp modern design ideas, advanced design theory, proper design method can meet the design requirements of the electroplating system. Keywords : singlc-Suspcndcrs; PVC sheet; Copper; Automation control. -IT- TOC \o "1-5" \h \z 弓丨言 1 第1章绪论 2 1.1论文研究的背景与内容 2 1.2论文研究的重要意义 1.2论文研究的重要意义 2 第2章镀板系统总体方案的设计 2.1设计的任务和要求 TOC \o "1-5" \h \z 2.1.1设计的主要任务 3 2.1.2设计的要求 3 2.2设计的综述 3


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