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Unit 3 Discovering Useful Structures NP AdvP NP AdvP Noun Phrases a little confusin 5 Adjective Phrases so big quite quickly ■ Adverb Phrases well enough 主语 表语 The first week was a litte confusing. 1 1 J 莎飞 NP AdjP The building is so big that I'm completely lost. AdjP AdjP The kids over there are puting something on a round paper plate. Linda thinks and speaks quite quickly, and she can do well in the debate. AdvP The new coach told me that I didn't play well enough? NP AdvP 6.My first French class was very conftusing. The teacher spoke so fasti AdjP Conclusion: 仁名词短语(Noun Phrase): 名词短语是指由几个名词或名词及其修饰语构成的短语。它是英语句 子的核心组成部分 组成 邙艮定词)+ (形容词、形容词短语、描述性名词)+名词+ (介词短 语) 功能 在句中当作名词用,一般用作主谓、宾语、表语或宾语补语 形容词短语(Adjective Phrase): 形容词短语是指由几个形容词或形容词及其修饰语构成的短语。 组成:(副词)+形容词+ (介词短语) 功能: 在句中当作形容词用,可以修饰名词或代词,还可以用作表语或者宾 语补语 副词短语(Adverb Phrase): 副词短语是指由几个副词或副词及其修饰语构成的短语,副词短语以副 词为核心词,同时整个短语在句子中仍然为副词的功能。 组成:(副词)+副词 功能: I 1111 在句中当作副词用,可以修饰动词、形容词或副词 Practice: 1 .Speaking of table manners, keep your voice low and pleasant during the meal. 2.Comfortable bikes and a smooth tour route (路线)make cycling between the sites fun and relaxing. 3.While all of them are useful, they can get a litle complex. 4」hope these suggestions would be helpful to you. He was so confused that he didn't know which courses to take. Too nervous to reply, he stared at the floor.10. Don't throw the waste paper here and there. Try to improve the draft Cheerleader Try-outs r ve always wanted to be a high school cheerleader. Yesterday, I tried out for my schoo「s cheerleading team. It was really hard. First, we had to dance time and time again. The teacher showed us very patiently how to move, and then we tried many times. Second, we practised singing an inspiring song about the excelent school football team. Finally, some girls had to lift their partners. The other girls jumped and rhoororl \/or\/ Im irllv I think I rlirl cii卄a wall What did we learn? Homework: 1 .Conclude the structure by yourself. 2.Do the exercise?



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