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第三次月考回炉 It is not your fault If you have tried your best. It is your fault if you have n't. I听力 1-5 BABBA 6-10CAACB 11-15 CCBCC ■16. family 17. a huge dinner 18. fireworks ■19. the Christmas trees 20. placing presents ■答案: 21-25 CBACB 26-30 BCCAC II ?完形填空 TOC \o "1-5" \h \z 技巧指导: ;;;; 根据体裁抓住文章大意 本文的体裁是什么?通过原文哪个词可以体现? 文章的大意是什么? [ [ 新闻报道,“report” 巧用上下文的线索及语境等排除干扰选项,女口 27, 29, 30等 透析词语辨析选出难题的答案, [[[ 如22, 23, 24题 another/additional You have had one apple. Do you still want another one? If you want to have breakfast in your room, it will charge you additional fees. level/standard You can choose the test according to your level. The standard of salary for workers in GZ is at least 800 Yuan per month. ? 1. It is impolite to turn downan invitation. 2. Sorry to inform you that your request of a higher salary was turned down 3. To my surprise, our experiment turned out to be a successful one. 4. You finally turn up . Do you know how long I have been waiting here? 5. Do turn off all lights before you go to bed. II语法填空 ■哪个答案是正确的?为什么? an /a close/closer/closely/closed dressed /dressing at 35. her/whose and /that /which what /my brought /bought /brough warmness/ warmth 40 me 语法填空回炉 用dress的适当形式填空 Dressed in white, Mary looks much attractive toda y. “Can you help me dress Anne?” asked the woman. The other day, I saw a boy whc^^s dressed jn a black jacket walking together with Joanna. “Mum, dorft bother. I am old enough to dress myself 匸 ■区分 close/closely/closed 1. To get a better view, I stood closer/close 2. In order to solve the math problem, Janet looked closely at it. 3. Make sure that all doors are closed when you leave. 4. We are 出°恥 friends, so just tell me whafs happened. 5. Ifs quite windy outside. Why not close all windows? 用适当的连词填空 1. With the advancement of technology, small computers have come onto the market, are capable of doing the work used to be done by much larger expensive computers, now most smaller companies can use them. which, that/which, and, so 长难句分析要注重谓


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