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Navigating the China market Sustaining high growth through innovations Louis Cheung Group President Sept 2010 P.0 May, 2010 Summary THE CHINA GROWTH STORY… Despite recent volatility, the Chinese market remains very attractive ?Fundamentals driving the extraordinary growth of the Chinese economy during the past two decades remain strong – these fundamentals and appropriate government policy adjustments enabled swift recovery from crisis and will support sustained growth going forward THE PING AN GROWTH STORY… Ping An, born of Chinese economic reform, has built leading market positions ?Ping An has achieved much faster growth than the economy during the past two decades, and is leading the recovery from the crisis as evident from the rapid market share gains and growth in our insurance, banking, and investment businesses SUSTAINING HIGH GROWTH THROUGH INNOVATIONS… Through continuous innovations, Ping An has built distinct advantages to fully exploit future growth of the Chinese financial market ?Our integrated financial services model, our innovative capabilities in product and distribution, and centralized operating platform, put us in a very strong position to capture future growth opportunities in China, particularly in the retail and SME segments P.1 May, 2010 THE CHINA GROWTH STORY… Over the last 2 decades, China has sustained consistent economic growth and continued urbanization Real GDP growth (%) 10.0% 10.5% 9.5% 8.7% 6~8% 1990-2000 2001-2008 2009 2010F next 5-10 years Growth well sustained through different economic & interest rate cycles Development and reform momentum continued despite local inflationary shocks and multiple regional/global crises Major overhaul and recapitalization of the financial sector completed P.2 May, 2010 Though affected by the financial crisis in 2008, China was subsequently leading the global recovery Chinese GDP growth rebounds swiftly from subprime impact 16 14 subprime crisis %YoY 12 10 8 6 4 05 06 07 08 09 10 source: CEIC GDP


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