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教师用书配套课件 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions Using Language 5. tap E. ability to do what is needed; skill 5. tap E. ability to do what is needed; skill 温譽提示 温譽提示 &呆您程財本理件时it 務中出现圧字现家?请关 用所冷幻灯片.主軒打开 耳血审观右? I.将下面的单词与其英语释义连线 ? bear A. firmly fixed; not likely to move, change, or fail; calm and reas on able; not easily upset identification B. to (cause to) join as friends or business partne「s; to connect in one's mind; a pers on connected with another, esp .in work 3. innocent4. dynamic 3. innocent 4. dynamic connected with real situations rather than with ideas or theories the act of extending or condition of being extended; any of many telephone lines which connect the switchboard to various rooms or offices in a large building 6. currentstableassociate 6. current stable associate .to endure; to stand; to carry; to support H. sth. (such as an official paper) which proves who one is 11. compete nee K. to hit sb. 11. compete nee K. to hit sb. / sth. quickly and lightly 11. compete nee K. to hit sb. 11. compete nee K. to hit sb. / sth. quickly and lightly 9. practical10. extension 9. practical 10. extension (of people) guiltless; (of people) simple; not able to recognize evil; (of thing ) harmless J. full of producing power and activity; continuously moving or changing; of a force or power producing movement 12 12 personnel L happening now; of the present time; the movement of water in the sea or a river; the movement of air in a particular direction 答案:2. tH, 3. -I, 4. -J, 5. tK, 6. -L, 7. -A, 8. ->B, 9. —>C, 10. ^D, 11.-^E, 12. tF □?短语互译 ? set out (to do) ring back 开始(做)回复电话ring off 开始(做) 回复电话 be associated with 迅速把手伸入;一心投入 不挂断;稍等;紧紧握住 次序颠倒;发生故障 设法联系上(尤指打通电话);(设法)做完刪妲诂 丽……有联系 dive into hang on out of order get through 越?AtW" 〒重点单词? 1. bear vt. (bore, borne)忍受;忍耐;负担 【语境领悟】 ?l can not bear the smell of sausage burnt on the barbecue. 我忍受不了烤肉架上烤香肠的味道。 ②I can't bear having a cat in the house. 我受不了在家里养猫。 (3)l can't bear young people casting away their youth. 我无法忍受年轻人虚度青春。 Be


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