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Unit 4 Body language )n in Using Language课件(人教版必修4 Part 1》课前自主导学 教材研读L夯实基础 ■ I ?阅读理解 Body language Meanings Frowning or turning To show 1. ? one's back to someone. Making a fist and To show that someone is angry and shaking it. 2. another person. Nodding the head up To show 3. ? and down. Shaking the head from side to To show 4. or side. 5? ? Looking away from people or To show no 6. ? yawning. Turning toward and looking at someone or something. To show you are 7. . 8. your eves and turning your head away. To show you do not 9. what you hear or do not 10. it. ■答案 1 .anger 2.threatening 3.agreement 4.disagreement 5.refusal 6.interest 7.interested 8.Rolling ■ 9- believe 10.like ■ II ?教材研读 ■—、重点单词熟记 1. 日d/"?面部的一> n.面 部,脸 2. 「 门―作用;功能加起作用 3. u.尊敬-> adj.尊敬 的 4. , n.安逸;舒适祝?减轻(痛苦 、忧虑) —> 日M容易的 5. , 门?怒火;怒气 ■ 6. _ ■ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 观的 3?.错误的;假的 " adj.主观的-> adj.客 9. 门-等级,军衔 ? 10. 磁带;;; ; ■答案 1.facial ; face 2.function 3.respect; respectful 4. ease; easy 5.anger; angry; angrily 6.truly 7.false ■二、重点短语探究 1. ease舒适;快活;自由自在 2. face丢脸 3? turn one's back 背对;背弃 4. give a hug sb拥抱某人 5. look away 把目光从 上移 开;不看 6. the head点点头 7. most cases在大多数情况下 8. be respectful sb尊敬某人 ■9. be based 以 为基础 ■ 10. have similarities 在某方面相 ;似 ;;; ■11. be to do sth乐意做某事; 愿意做某事 ; : ■12. to do sth打算做某事 ■答案 1.Qt 2.lose 3.to 4.to 5.from 6.nod 7.in 8.to 9.on 10.in 11 .willing 12.intend -三、教材佳句背诵 1 ? The most universal facial expression is, of course, the smile-its function haooiness people at ease.最普遍使用的面部表情当然是微笑一 其作用是表示快乐和放松。 2. Looking away from people or yawning will, , make me appear to be uninterested. 在多数情况下,把眼光从人们身上移开 或者打个哈欠,会使我看上去(对此人或此 事)不感兴趣。 Part 2 Part 2二考吏难点易混点 点石成金,创新无限 Part 2 Part 2二考吏难点易混点 点石成金,创新无限 1?ease n.安逸,舒适认减轻(痛苦、忧 虑) The most universal facial expression is ,of course, the smile-its function is to show happiness and put people at ease. 最普遍使用的面部表情当然是微笑一其作 用是表示快乐和使人放松。 。掘龍KHi-B-蟲冒豆i ? ■① see Lll-M uo-o①-①①一I- U-M 01 P90 ① dx ①①」e >£_!_■ omgl c—邮、當!fe■ ?6U0- on- -=M pe①一|e A①u」


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