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Module 1 My First Day at Senior High Listening & Speaking &Writing 温馨提示 如杲您在观肴本课件的过 殺中出现压字现象,请关 闭所冇幻灯片.宜新打开 可正常现看? Learn some new words to prepare for the listening. Practice listening to develop their listening ability. Learn to reply to an e-mail to develop their writing ability ■ 新课导入 Listening Listening 课堂探究 Word Formation构词法 Noun Verb Adjective correction correct encouragement enjoyment erWQraqe enjoyable [explanation explain fluency fluent misunderstanding misundersta nd progress progressive pronunciation pronounce MP3C MP3 C Now Listen to a Conversation Who are the two students in the conversation? Rob and Diane. Which languages are they studying? R: Chinese/ D: Spanish. What is the name of the assistant teacher? Miss Wang. MF?36>correction MF?3 6>correction Listen again and complete the sentences of activity 2 and activity 3 on page 5 and page 6. Activity 2: fluent 2.enjoyable 3.encouragement progress 5>pronunciation 7.misunderstood 8.explained Activity 3: l.(C) 2.(C) 1. be fluent in 在 流利 他的俄语说得很好。 He is fluent in Russian. encourage sb. to do sth鼓励某人做某事 他鼓励我刻苦学习。 He encouraged me to study hard. make great/ much/ a lot of prog res 钗得很大进步 我们在过去的20年里取得了非常大的进步。 We have made great progress in the last 20 years. 4. So have I. ⑴"So have I”表示 “我也如此”。 表示“某人/物也是如此”的肯定句式是: So + be /情态动词/助动词+主语。 You are a student, so am I.你是个学生,我也是。 He can speak French, so can I. (I can speak French, too.)他会说法语,我也会。 (2)否定句式:neither/ nor+ be/情态动词/助动词+主 语。“某人/物也不是”。 This film is not interesting, and neither is that one. 这个电影没意思,那个电影也没意思。 (3) — Tom is an honest worker and works hard. So it is with Jim. 如果上文描述的不止是一种情况(两种或以上) 时,表示前面所述的情况也适用于后者时,我们通 常使用以下句式: So it is with sb?或It's the same with sb ./sth. John likes fish but he doesift like meat So it is with Mary or It is the same with Mary ? (Mary 也是) (4)表示“某人/物的确如此”时,句式为“So +主语t 1=1be/情态动词/助动词”,表示对上文所述情况的肯定 1=1 或认可。 —Tom speaks English well. 汤姆英语说得很好。 —So he does. 他确实如此。 —Lily is a hard-working girl. ——Lily是一个用功的女孩。 —So she is. 她的确很用功。


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