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xx * 各位领导、各位老师,各位同行:下午好! 首先感谢海淀区教师进修学校给我提供这样一个宝贵机会,与大家交流自己对后方法时代外语教学的思考。我曾经在师范大学工作过10多年,每年有机会带学生去中学见习、实习,一年差不多有10个星期在中学,与中学老师朝夕相处,一起听实习生试讲、上课,一起评课,与中学教师结下了深厚友谊,同时对中学教师的敬业精神、精湛的教学艺术有着深深的敬意。虽然离开了师范大学10多年,但与中学教师的友谊,对中学教师的敬意至今还保存在记忆中。今天有机会与中学教师交流,倍感高兴,倍感亲切。今天我讲话的题目是后方法时代的外语教学。 行动研究理论篇 北京外国语大学中国外语教育研究中心 文秋芳 Email:wenqiufang@bfsu.edu.cn * xx 2021-1-28 研修目标 通过上午的研修,你们期待着能够回答下列问题: 什么是行动研究? 为什么要从事行动研究? 行动研究的流程是什么? * xx 2021-1-28 What is action research (AR)? What have you already known about doing action research? Please give one example to illustrate your understanding if you can. * xx 2021-1-28 Paper One Defining action research(1) It seeks to bring together with action and reflection, theory and practice, in participation with others, in the pursuit of practical solutions to issues of pressing concern to people, and more generally the flourishing of individual persons and their communities (Reason and Bradbury, 2001: p.1) 行动研究的对象、目的、方式 * xx 2021-1-28 Paper One The journey to action research (2) David Brown’s description of the journey captures what many of us seem to feel (P. 13 ) How do people respond to action research in the western world? * xx 2021-1-28 Paper One A shared commitment to democratic social change (3) “research into our ways of life cannot be conducted in the same, value-free way as in the natural sciences”(p.13) Knowledge comes from doing. Action researchers feel compelled to act collectively on and with that knowledge (p.14). Action researchers are doers. * xx 2021-1-28 Paper One The integration of theory and practice(4) ….action research goes beyond the notion that theory can inform practice, to a recognition that theory can and should be generated through practice, ….that theory is really only useful insofar as it is put in the service of a practice focused on achieving positive social change (p.15) There is much work left to be done in adequately articulating strong theoretical foundations for our work as action researchers (p.16) *


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