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中文摘要 英文摘要 TOC \o 1-5 \h \z 一、 我国流浪儿童的现状分析 5 二、 我国传统流浪儿童救助方式存在的问题 6 三、 社会工作介入流浪儿童救助的优势 9 四、 社会工作介入流浪儿童救助的具体措施 12 结语 结语 18 参考文献 19 致谢 21 Contents TOC \o 1-5 \h \z Chinese Abstract 3 English Abstract 4 Foreword 4 l.Our country roaming about childs present situation analysis 5 The problems of assistance method of traditional street children in china ???? 6 The social work involvement roaming about child rescues superiority 9 The social work involvement roamingabout child rescues specific measures 12 Conclusion 18 Bibliography 19 Acknowledgement 21 我国流浪儿童救助中的社会工作介入问题探讨 专业:公共事业管理w2009级1班 指导老师: 【摘要】近年来,随着社会变迁和现代化进程的推进,流浪儿童问题 已成为一个不可忽视的社会问题,我国政府对流浪儿童的救助保护工作也 越来越重视。在以政府为主导的流浪儿童救助工作存在一定缺陷的情况下, 积极大胆地引入社会工作机制,能够为流浪儿童的救助工作提供新的思路。 本文在介绍了流浪儿童的生存现状的基础上,着重分析了政府在我国流浪 儿童救助中存在的问题,以及社会工作介入流浪儿童救助的优势,并从外 展社会工作和社会工作机构内救助两个层面提出了社会工作介入流浪儿童 救助的具体措施,以探讨如何促进流浪儿童救助工作的发展,更好地为流 浪儿童提供人性化救助。 【关键词】流浪儿童 救助 社会工作介入 The Discussion of Social Work Involvement in Helping Street Children in China [Abstract) In recent years, the street children has become a social problem that can not be ignored along with the social changes and modernization advancement, our government also takes seriously to the roaming about childs rescue work. We can introduce the mechanism of social work boldly which can work of relief for street children to provide a new thinking under there are certain defects in the government-led relief work of street children. This article introduced the roaming about childs survival present situations and analyzed the government emphatically the question which rescues in our country roaming about child exists, as well as the social work involvement roaming about child rescues the superiority, and from abducted the social work and in the social work organization rescues two stratification levels to propose the social work involvement in street children rescued the specific measures? At last, the paper discussed how to promote the development of the work of street children relief and provide t


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