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摘要 Fl本在经过了从上个世纪六十年代到八十年代二十年的高速发展Z后,日本 的经济泡沫从产生到破裂,日本的经济也随Z进入了长达十年Z久的低迷期。这 对H本的整个社会造成了很大的消极影响,我国的经济从上世纪八十年代进入飞 速发展阶段,房价也随Z上涨,房地产业己经成为了我国经济的重要的一部分, 支撑着我国经济的发展;但房价的上升,随Zrfo来的是房地产市场的投机和由Z 而产生的房地产泡沫,为下我国正在而临着:经济的飞速发展、产业持续快速发 展、土地需求量巨大、本国纸币而临很大的床力,即升值压力;也因此造成了房 地产市场的投机,房地产泡沫的产生,并正在持续加剧严重。由此可得出,当今 我国而临的状况与上个世纪八十年代末的FI本而临的状况很是相似,因此对H本 房地产泡沫的形成,加剧到破裂的研究,为我国房地产市场的健康发展做出建议 具有一定的意义。 本文总共分为五章,第一章对本文选题的意义以及前辈在此领域的贡献做了 相关论述;第二章到第四章分别从中H房地产泡沫的表现、形成的因素、两国针 对房地产泡沫所采取的措施进行了分别论述,并从这三个方面对屮日房地产市场 泡沫进行了比较,并从对我国面对房地产市场泡沫膨胀阶段应该采取什么措施提 出了相应的建议。 关键词:房地产泡沫房地产投机 Abstract Japan after the sixties of last century from the eighties, after two decades of rapid development, Japans economic bubble burst from generation to Japans economy also entered a decade-long downturn. This is the Japanese society as a whole have had a great negative impact of Chinas economy from the eighties of last century into the rapid development stage, prices have also risen, the real estate industry has become an important part of our economy, supporting Chinas economic development; but prices rise, followed by the real estate market speculation and the generated by the real estate bubble, the moment our country is facing: the rapid economic development, industry sustained and rapid development, land demand is huge, national banknotes face a lot of pressure, that appreciation pressures; also results in speculative real estate market, real estate bubble generation, and is continuing to exacerbate serious. Which can be drawn, the situation facing our country today with the late eighties of last century, Japan is facing the situation is very similar, so the Japanese real estate bubble formation, increased to rupture research for the healthy development of Chinafs real estate market to do the proposal would have a certain significance. This total is divided into five chapters, the first chapter on this topic as well as the significance of the contribution of seniors in this area do a related discussion; Chapter II to Chapter IV


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