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我国民事再审制度修改的反思和建议 摘要 为纠正错误裁判,我国设置了民事再审制度,该项制度对于保障 司法公止、维护国家法律统一曾经发挥过重要作用。但随着我国市场 经济的发展和司法改革的不断深入,该项制度本身存在的弊端口渐显 露,“再审难”的问题也日益凸现。为此,第十屈全国人大常委会第 三十次会议通过了《关于修改V中华人民共和国民事诉讼法 >的决定》, 对我国再审制度做出了重大改革。在本文中,笔者试从本次民事再审 制度的修改入手,归纳修改内容的进步性,分析其依然存在的问题, 并对其理论基础进行反思,最后提出我国民事再审制度二次重构的理 论基础和立法建议。 木文共包括四部分,第一部分阐述了我国民事再审制度的基木含 义、丿力史渊源,归纳出我国民事再审制度的基本特点;第二部分对本 次民事诉讼法关于再审制度的修改内容进行总结和评述,得出本次修 改的进步之处;第三部分则是采用比较研究的方法,通过与其他国家 的再审制度立法相比较,分析得出本次修改存在的不足和再审制度依 然存在的弊病所在;第四部分提出二次重构我国民事再审制度的立法 建议,建议吸收再审补充原则、确立以再审之诉为起点、合理限定启 动主体和再审事由范伟I,建立符合我国社会、经济发展实际需耍的现 代民事再审制度。 关键词:民事再审,民事再审制度,民事再审程序,再审之诉 RETHINKING AND ADVICE ON MODIFICATIONS OF THE CIVIL RETRAIL SYSTEM OF OUR COUNTRY ABSTRACT Tn order to correct wrong judgments, our country has set up the civil retrial system. This system had once played an important role in guaranteeing judicial impartiality and maintaining the uniformity of the national laws. With the development of Chinese market economy and continues deepening of judicial reform, the malpractice existing in this system itself is gradually becoming visible, and the retrial difficulf problem become more and more serious. Therefore, the tenth NPC Standing Committee adopted On the revised People*s Republic of the Code of Civil Procedure decision in the thirtieth meeting, and made significant reform on civil retrial system. In this paper, the writer start at the modification civil retrials, sum up the progress of reformed contents, analyze leave-behind problems, and rethinking its basic theory, then to table a proposal on second time rebuilding Chinese civil retrial system. This paper is divided into four parts. In part one the author describes the basic signification and history source of Chinese civil retrial system, concludes its basic characteristics. In part two the author reviews the modifications of Chinese civil retrial system, summing-up the progress of the amendment. In part three the author compares Chinese civil retrial system with other country by the way of comparative analyze, co


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