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目录 TOC \o 1-5 \h \z 摘要 1 ABSTRACT 2 HYPERLINK There needs to be some statistical evidence showing the evaluation criteria being used is essential or critical” to successful job performance. Tn order for criteria to be considered ”verifiable, the employer needs to show there has been an independent validation of the data by multiple raters (usually 3 or more) who are job knowledgeable. Job knowledgeable persons, sometimes referred to as an expert panel/ are persons who have actually performed the work, but can also include others who supervise the work and are intimately familiar with the requirements of the job. Process for Establishing H Content Validityn The recommended process for establishing content validity is as follows: Create an expert panel, 3 or more persons who are Hjob knowledgeable^. Choose persons who have actually performed the work as well as those who have supervised it. Panel should always include two or more current (or past) job incumbents. Review job description to determine key challenges, responsibilities, and expected results. Use group process to define a preliminary list” of competencies felt to be critical to job performance. (HR Technologies, Inc. provides a competency lexicon1* and software to facilitate this process.) Have each panel member independently (without discussion) assign a weighting to the listed competencies using a 5-point weighting scale, thereby reflecting the nrelativeH importance of each competency to successful job performance. Use group process to fine-tune these weightings and arrive at a final, consensus weighting for each competency. Finalize the competency list, with the group agreeing to eliminate lower-weighted criteria and arriving at a final competency set (i.e., the nassessment model). Focus the group primarily on selecting competencies that are skills and abilities/ eliminating those that are knowledge-based (especially those competencies easily addressed through short-term training). Use the group to


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