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DV Constitution 北京龙苑别墅业主公约 为维护园区全体业主的合法权益,维护物业区域内公共环境和秩序,根据国务院《物业管理条例》 及有关法规、规章、规范性文件及北京龙苑别墅的实际情况制订《北京龙苑别墅业主公约》(以下 简称《公约》),由本物业区域内全体业主共同遵守。 Owners’ Constitution According to the Property Management Regulations issued by the State Council and relevant laws, regulations, and legal documents, this Beijing Dragon Villas Constitution is hereby formulated for the purpose of enhancing property management, protecting the legal rights and interests of all owners and maintaining the public environment and order, within the property management zone. 第一章 总则 Chapter One: General Provisions 一、物业基本情况 物业名称:北京龙苑别墅 座落位置:北京市顺义区顺安南路8号 总建筑面积:别墅114075.97平方米,会所8248.64平方米 占地面积:197443.49平方米 土地四至:东至滨河路,南至龙苑南路,西至顺安南路,北至龙苑北路 土地使用期限:2063年06月16日 国有土地使用证明文件政府批文号:京国用(93出)字第55号 土地用途:别墅 1. Basic information about the property: Name of Property: Beijing Dragon Villas Address: No. 8 Shun An South Road, Shunyi District, Beijing. Construction Area: Villas114075.97 square meters, Club 8248.64 square meters. Land area: 19,744,349square meters. Boundaries on Four Sides: Bin He Road on the east, Shun An Nan Road on the west, Longyuanbei Road on the north and longyuannan Road on the south. Expiration Date of Land Use Rights: 2063-06-16 Government Approval for the Land Use of State-owned Land: Jing Guo Yong [93] NO. 55 Purpose of Land: Villa Development 二、本公约的约束力 1、本公约对全体业主具有约束力。 2、本公约中业主的定义:业主为房产证上注明的所有权人;尚未拥有房产证的房产所有权人; 产权人为公司的,公司法人代表或公司董事会书面明确指定的授权代表可被视为业主。 2. The Binding Power of the Constitution 1). This Constitution is binding on all owners. 2). Definition of Owner for this Constitution: the property owner as indicated in the legal House Certificate; a de-facto property owner who has not yet obtained a legal house cer


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