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动作能力对儿童青少年体力活动与健康促进的重要意义 ——基于动作能力研究模型的综述分析 The Significance of Motor Competence on Children and Adolescents Physical Activity and Health Promotion: A Review Based on Motor Competence Research Models 作者: 王政淞/李红娟/张柳 作者简介: 王政淞,男,北京体育大学运动人体科学学院在读硕士研 究生,主要研究方向为儿童青少年动作发展,E-nia订:@qq. com,北京100084;李红娟,女,北京体育 大学运动人体科学学院教授,博士,主要研究方向为儿童 生长发育与体力活动促进,Tel: (010 E-胆订: janerobin@126. com,北京100084;张柳,女,北京体育 大学运动人体科学学院在读硕士研究生,主要研究方向为 儿童体质健康,E-mai 1: 1546587170@,北京 100084 原文出处: 《体育科学》(京)2017年第201711期 第72-80页 内容提要: 儿童青少年体力活动与健康促进一直是全世界体育科学和 公共卫生研究领域的重点课题。近年来随着学术界对人类 整体发展认识的不断加深,动作能力这一重要的健康概念 已经逐渐被引入到儿童青少年体力活动与健康促进研究领 域之中。通过系统地梳理动作能力与体力活动、健康体质、 感觉机能和体重状态等健康要素之间的研究现状,结合国 外学者提出的儿童青少年动作能力研究模型,详细阐述了 动作能力对儿童青少年体力活动与健康促进的重要意义。 我国未来儿童青少年动作能力的研究前景在于:Off发新 式动作能力测量工具;2)进一步探索动作能力对体力活动 的具体作用;3)全而探究发展动作能力对认知功能改善和 学业成绩提高等内容的积极影响。建议:体育教育工作者 和科研人员对儿童青少年的动作能力进行科学干预,引导 其积极主动地参与更多的体力活动、促进身心健康全而发 展。 Physical Activity (PA) and health promotion of children and adolescents has long been an important theme in global sports sciences and public health practices. With the deepening of the understanding of the total development of mankind in recent years, the important health concept, motor competence (MC) has been led to the complete research areas of children and adolescents PA and health promotion. The present study expounds the relationships between MC, PA, health-related fitness (HRF) , perceived competence (PC) and weight status (WS) , analyzes the significance of MC on children and adolescents PA and health promotion based on MC research models of children and adolescents which have been established by foreign scholars.The research prospects of further studies are: 1 ) Inventing advancing MC instruments; exploring the specific influences of MC on PA; investigating the positive effects of developing MC on cognition and academic performance. Suggestions: Physical educators and researchers should exert scientific intervention on children and adolescents MC, make them participate in PA acti


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