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MYCOPLASMA DETECTION 支原体检测;EZ-PCR Mycoplasma Test Kit Cat. # 20-700-10 (10 assays) Cat. # 20-700-20 (20 assays) Ready to use PCR mix for the detection of mycoplasma in cell culture 即用型细胞培养中支原体检测PCR试剂盒;EZ-PCR Mycoplasma Test Kit is designed to detect the presence of mycoplasma contaminating biological materials, such as cultured cells. EZ-PCR支原体检测试剂盒用来检测生物材料,如培养的细胞中支原体的存在。 Mycoplasma detection by the direct culture procedure is time-consuming and some mycoplasma species are difficult to cultivate. 直接培养方法检测耗时且有的种类支原体很难培养。 With PCR testing, results are obtained within a few hours, since the presence of contaminant mycoplasma can be easily detected simply by verifying the bands of amplified DNA fragments in electrophoresis. 用PCR检测,几小时可出结果。支原体DNA片段可通过电泳条带确认。 ;;The primer set allows detection of various mycoplasma species, with high sensitivity and specificity: 系列引物可以高特异性和高灵敏度地检测很多种支原体 ;TREATMENT OF MYCOPLASMA-INFECTED CELLS WITH ANTIBIOTICS 用抗生素治疗支原体污染的细胞;The contamination of cells with mycoplasma is a very common problem, even though it often goes unnoticed since no cloudiness appears in the cell culture. 支原体污染细胞培养是很常见的问题,常常因其不造成混浊而不被注意到。 Since mycoplasma-infected cells cannot always be discarded, many complicated methods have been suggested for the elimination of the mycoplasma. 支原体污染的细胞有时不能废弃,有许多复杂的方法可以用来去除污染。 ;Biological Industries is now offering a combination of antibiotics, which have been shown to be effective in the elimination of mycoplasma species that account for 90% of the contamination found in cell cultures. Biological Industries的抗生素系列产品能有效杀灭细胞培养中的90%以上的支原体;BIOMYC-1 is based on the antibiotic tiamutin, which is produced by the fungus pleurotus mutilus. 成分为泰妙菌素. BIOMYC-2 is based on minocycline, which is a tetracycline derivative. 二甲胺四环素,四环素衍生物. These two antibiotic solutions are generally used sequentially in combination. 以上抗生素溶液一般??顺序联合使用. ? ;BIOMYC-3;PREVENTION;PHARMACIDAL;AQUAGUARD-1 For disinfecting CO2 incubator water baths;AQ


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