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PAGE 18 摘 要 近几年来,“一带一路”的建设引起社会的高度关注,越来越多的中国企业正在积极地“走出去”,抓住“一带一路”的契机对一个企业走向国际市场尤为重要。本文基于2013-2018年“一带一路”贸易合作大数据,以及世界贸易报告,对格兰仕公司的出口现状和影响因素进行分析,并结合格兰仕公司的具体经营业务,通过它的实际业务案例,展开对电器行业企业的出口研究,比较格兰仕与美的、格力等企业的不同来得出格兰仕目前在出口贸易中得优劣势。在本文中还对影响格兰仕出口的汇率、中美贸易摩擦、供应商管理、标准及技术的贸易壁垒影响等因素进行了详细的介绍,借鉴和总结了其他企业的经验,提出相应的优化发展策略和建议,对格兰仕的发展前景进行了预测,由以上内容可得出我国企业在出口时该注意的影响因素,作为企业对外发展的参考。 关键词:“一带一路”;格兰仕;出口贸易 Abstract In recent years, the construction of "one belt and one road" has aroused great concern in the society. More and more Chinese enterprises are actively "going out", to seize the opportunity of "one belt and one road" is particularly important for an enterprise to enter the international market. Based on the 2013-2018 years' trade and cooperation data and the world trade report, this paper analyzes the current situation and influencing factors of Galanz's export, and combines with the specific business of Galanz. Through its actual business cases, it conducts research on the export of electrical appliance enterprises. At the same time, it obtains Galanz objects through comparison with the Media,GREE and other enterprises. Previous advantages and disadvantages in export trade. In addition,this paper also gives a detailed introduction to the exchange rate, Sino-US trade friction, supplier management, standards and technology barriers that affect Grand's exports, draws lessons from and summarizes the experience of other enterprises, puts forward corresponding optimization strategies and suggestions, and forecasts the development prospects of Grand's. From the above, it can be concluded that Chinese enterprises should export when they are exporting. Attention to the influencing factors, as a reference for the external development of enterprises. Key words: "one belt and one road";Galanz; international trade 一、 绪论 (一)研究背景和意义 自“一带一路”建设以来,企业的国际贸易呈现出来越来越繁荣的趋势,“一带一路”不仅加强了各国的联通,给世界提供了一个好点平台,而且“一带一路”还给企业的转型和升级和迈入世界一流行列带来了前所未有的机遇与挑战。随着发生的经济危机以及全球经济面临着转型调整期,各个国家的贸易保护主义也开始显现,有些外国媒体甚至错误解读“一带一路”的战略,这给企业的发展



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