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支付宝蚂蚁花呗的发展现状及对策性研究 摘要 当前,许多现代企业与移动互联网、物联网、大数据、云计算等信息技术的有机 结合,推进了电子商务与互联网金融的发展,掀起了我国“互联网+”的新热潮。就 2015年的“双十一”来看,仅仅阿里巴巴一家公司就在24小时创造了 912.17亿元 销售记录的交易神话,当然这也得益于2014年年末蚂蚁金服推出的一个互联网金融 产品“蚂蚁花呗”,“蚂蚁花呗”是为消费者提供的“当月买、下个月还”的一种新 兴金融消费模式,事实上就是一种消费信贷,它的功能类似于银行的信用卡,可以进 行一定信用额度的透支使用。满足了用户蓬勃的购买欲,在强大的互联网金融的发展 形势下,打造了消费金融的一片新天地,对我国社会经济的发展起了推动作用。 关键词:互联网金融,网购,消费金融,蚂蚁花呗 Abstract Currently, many of modern enterprises and the mobile Internet, networking, cloud computing, big data, such as the organic combination of information technology and promoting the development of e-commerce and Internet banking, setting off China's Internet n+n new craze? On 2015 of "double 11” view, just Alibaba a company on in 24 hours created has 91.217 billion yuan sales records of billion yuan sales records of trading myth, certainly this also thanks Yu 2014 end Ant gold clothing launched of a Internet financial products "Ant spent chantn5 HAnt spent chantH is for consumers provides of "month buy, and next months alson of a emerging financial consumption mode, actually is a consumption credit, it of function similar Yu Bank of credit card, can for must credit lines of overdraft using. Meet the vibrant users desire, in a strong financial situation of development of the Internet, creating a new world of consumer finance, played a role in China's social and economic development. Keywords: Internet banki ng, on line shopping, consumer finance, An t-flower. TOC \o "1-5" \h \z 第1章引言 2 第2章 蚂蚁花呗产生的背景及其基本概述 3 1蚂蚁花呗产生背景 3 2. 2蚂蚁花呗基本情况概述 3 HYPERLINK technology commander Liu Zhenfei: the system runs smoothly behind the 4 technical breakthroughs Liu Zhenfei introduction, lynx double 11 technical support team is just at the beg inn i ng of the 0 point shopping Carnival began, the firs t 30 min utes busy. After that, the system runs very smoothly and runs smoothly so far. The number of peopl e involved in the f igh t and prepare for the situ at i on: Xixi Park technology operations center here, there are about 800 people


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