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接枝丙烯酸十二酯吸油纤维的制备及吸油 机制研究 周斌1,2,魏俊富1,3,赵孔银1,2,李绍宁1,周翔宇1,3 (1.夭津工业大学中空纤维膜材料与膜过程省部共建国家重点实验室培育基地,夭津市 300387; 天津工业大学材料科学与工程学院,天津市300387; 天津工业大学环境与化学工程学院,天津市300387) 摘要:采用紫外辐射引发的方法,在主要利用毛细管力作用吸油的聚丙烯纤维匕接枝丙烯酸 I?二弗,制备了高吸油纤维。红外和扫描电镜测试结果表明,丙烯酸十二弗被成功接枝到 PP纤维上。研究了接枝率对吸油率和吸水率的影响,结果表明,随着接枝率的增大,吸油 纤维对柴油的吸附量先增大后减小。当接枝率为20.55%时,对柴油的吸附倍率从原纤维的 11.5g/g提高到21.28g/go论文进一步研究了接枝丙烯酸I?二酯的吸油纤维吸油机制。 关键词:吸油机制;吸油树脂;吸油纤维;接枝 中图分类号:TQ316.342 High oil absorbing fibers prepared by grafting of lauryl acrylate on PP fibers and their absorbing mechanism Zhou bini,2, Wei junfui,3, Zhao kongyim,2, Li shaoningi, Zhou xiangyui, (1. State Key Laboratory of Hollow Fiber Membrane Materials and Processes,Tianjin Polytechnic University,Tianjin 300387; School of Material Science and Engineering,? ianj in Polytechnic University,Tianjin 300387; School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering,Tianjin Polytechnic University,Tianjin 300387) Abstract: The surface of polypropylene (PP) fiber was modified through grafting polymerization of buryl acrylate (LA) initiated by high energy ultraviolet (UV) in isopropanol/wdte「mixture solution. The original and grafted PP fibers were characterized by Fourier transibrm infrared (FT-IR) spectrometer and SEM, and the results indicated that butyl acrylate was grafted onto the surface of PP fibers. With the increase of grafting degree, the adsorption capacity of grafted fiber using diesel fuel as the adsorption capacity first increases and then decreases? When the grafting degree was 20.55% the maximum oil-absorption capacity reached 21.28 g/g for diesel, while the oil-absorption capacity of PP fiber was only 11.5 g/g ? The oil absorbing mechanism of the LA grafted PP fibers were researched ? Key words: Oil absorption mechanism; oil absorption resin; oil absorption fiber; graft 随着社会经济的不断发展,各种危险化学品的生产和使川数量急剧增加,其泄漏爭故也 呈上升趋势[7。但目前我国对苯、汽油等右毒有害、易燃易爆有机物的泄漏还没有彻底、 经济、仃效的清除冋收方法06]。传统吸油材料不同程度地存在吸水、吸油量小等缺点,尤 其限制了其在水面有机物吸附中的运用。高吸油树脂具有吸油种类多、儿乎不吸水、体积小、 保油性能好筹优点⑺。但是高吸油树脂吸油速率慢、山于其颗粒状的形貌造成吸附过程中操 作复杂、后处


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