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Pla nt:Yes Pla nt: Yes No 2 3 4 4 8 安全与损失防护指南 This module serves as a guide to the auditor in completing the complianee part of the audit of an operation. The auditor will determine whether or not the Operation is compl ying with the specificati ons and requireme nts of The Coca-Cola Compa ny by complet ing this audit module. 该模块可作为审核指南,完成以下内容以确定被审核厂是 否符合可乐公司的要求 Date: Auditor(s): Questio nn aire: Is there a hazard com muni cati on program in place? 是否有危险沟通程序? Are storage practices in-li ne with Compa ny guideli nes? 存储作业符合公司指南吗? Is there a program in place for managing hazardous materials? 有程序来管理危险材料吗? Does the Spill Preve nti on and Con trol Program in corporate requireme nts associated to worker safety? 是否将泄漏防止与控制程序加入到与员工安全相关的规定中? Are associates trained on SPCP? 对员工进行了 SPCP培训吗? 错误!未定义书签 当前是否有应对特殊危险的程序? Are appropriate waste man ageme nt practices in place? 当前是否有合适的损耗管理? Refere nee Stan dards List: Safety and Loss Preve nti on Guideli nes 安全与 损失防 护指南 Man agi ng Hazardous Materials Requireme nts 危险品 的管理 要求 Waste Man ageme nt Requireme nts 废物管 理要求 TCCQS updates are captured till June 30, 2005 Specificati ons and Requireme nts Summary: Specificati ons / Requireme nts 2 Is there a hazard com muni catio n program in place? 有危害沟通程序? PPE: Perso nal Protective Equipme nt 人员防护设备 Develop, apply and maintain a written program, including following elements as a minimum: 发展,应用以及维持书面程序,至少包括以下几项: annual inven tory of all hazardous materials on site. (qua ntity, locati on, cross refere nee to MSDS or equivale nt in formatio n). 每年做好厂区危害物品的纪录。(数量,存放地点,参考 MSD或类似信息) Have a process to get info about the materials used in the workplace. Make sure all associates have access to this info in case of emerge ncy duri ng worki ng and non-work ing hours (MSDS or any other means) 制定在工作区内获取物料信息的流程。确保相关人员可以 在工作或非工作时间内获取信以免紧急事件的发生。 (MSDSE其它方法) Locate MSDS or the like n ear where associates will be work ing with the hazardous materials 把MSD或相关的东西放在工作人员进行危害品操作的地 方。 Label, tag or mark ea


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